Chapter 4 ~ Just leave me alone ...

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Victoria Pov;

I poked at my scrambled eggs listlessly, today I got up a little earlier and still in a very bad mood, but that was because Parkinson's had woken me very early because she didn't think it was necessary to be considerate of other people and ours  Roommates, all of whom I couldn't stand to argue loudly about boys and how great Draco Malfoy was.
Yes, I slept in the same room with Pansy Parkinson, how did that come about?  No idea, I guess the teachers had given no thought to the division of the bedrooms, but what can you do about it now?
To get back to the real topic of why I was already having breakfast.
I just couldn't stand Parkinson's morbidly raving about Malfoy all the time.
So I fled. A Lestrange does not normally flee, but faces the situation, but I thought it was the only logical way out so that nobody could be injured and so I went into the great hurt.

Apparently I was so lost in thought that at first I didn't notice someone taking a seat across from me, but when he waved his hand in front of my face, I noticed and lifted my head, but when I saw my Blaise Zabini,  I gave a loud sigh of myself.
Because wherever Zabini was, Malfoy wasn't far either.
They never left one another.
And how right I was, shortly afterwards this self-loving Malfoy strutted into the great hall and sat down next to Zabini with his typical arrogant grin.
Today he seemed less lost in thought and exhaustion and tiredness could no longer be seen as strongly as yesterday.
"Hey Victoria, what's the matter with you today, you're so quiet?", The Slytherin Ice Prince asked me, visibly interested.
I didn't say a word and the two idiots across from me also remained silent.
I was satisfied with that and poked around listlessly in my breakfast, which was only mud due to the many fork pricks.
I noticed, of course, that both Malfoy and Zabini kept staring at me with unobtrusive looks.
It was really nerve-wracking to be upset at this time of day.
Both had lowered their heads on the table and were pretending to be eating.
Again and again the two idiots looked up to keep an eye on me, but at some point that got too stupid for me.
So I spoke up and sniffed at her;  DO YOU STOP WATCHING ME, THAT'S BUT SICK, DO YOU HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO? Just leave me alone ... "
I just whispered the last part and slumped a little.

Both now stared at me with open mouths, which didn't look very appetizing, because both mouths were full of food.
At first Zabini composed himself and spoke up, but only to strain my nerves again and said in a kind of singsong "Oh is dear Viktoria annoyed, or maybe she is in love."
I huffed and blew the rest of the air out of my nose.
As he said this, he waggled his eyebrows provocatively and suggestively thrust his elbow into Malfoy's right side.
At this allusion, I just rolled my eyes in annoyance and said calmly "Don't get your hopes up, Zabini."
With this sentence, I pushed my plate back, got up and was about to leave the great hall, but was held down by a guilty-looking Zabini.
He had grabbed my left wrist and was looking into my face like a beaten up puppy.
"Hey Viktoria, that was just kidding, I honestly didn't mean it that way ..."
I did not listen to him because I was seeing something very important.
Exactly where Zabini was holding me, the sleeve of my shirt had slipped up, revealing my dark mark
I looked up again and unobtrusively tried to get my arm out of Zabini's grip.
"Zabini let go of me!" I said in a serious voice, but he persisted.
I continued to try to free my hand from Zabini's grip, and shook and pulled my hand a little harder, I didn't care whether I had Zabini's attention or not, but I finally withdrew my arm and pushed the sleeve of my shirt back down to cover the dark mark.
I let out a relieved breath and both Zabini and Malfoy eyed me critically.
"Um, Victoria .." Malfoy began, but I paused, "No, now leave me alone!"
Without thinking about it, I literally ran out of the great hall, while I stepped through the great door, I felt the confused looks of my classmates on my back, but I didn't care.

Since the others are still at breakfast, I strode through the corridors to clear my head. I let my hand drag along the cold stone wall and just decided to continue strolling through the corridors of the school.
That was really close, what do I find to be so reckless.  It wouldn't be so bad with Malfoy if he found out, since he's one of them too.
Malfoy shouldn't find out about it for the time being.
He shouldn't find out yet that I'm a Death Eater and just like he has the dark mark on his left forearm.

I don't know how long I've been roaming the corridors like that, but breakfast must have been over by now, which means the hallways will soon be full of students.
And as luck would have it, suddenly a Gryffindor first grader walked around the corner and straight into me.
The little boy just looked at me with fearful eyes, and with every word that I threw at him, he shrank a little further.
For the time being he remained silent, apparently I had left him speechless, but then he found his voice again and answered me with a squeaky, fearful and respectful voice: “I-I'm really s-sorry, p-please b-believe me Miss Lestrange "
With these words he fled and I went straight to the Slytherin common room.
There I sat on a sofa in front of the fireplace and thought about what had happened.

"Did Malfoy know that the Dark Lord gave me the same job of fixing the vanishing cabinet and making sure that Malfoy did his job and kill Dumbledore?"

Surprising turn - a turn for the better?  Or into madness ... (Draco Ff)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt