{110} ~ Heroes Never Give Up ! ~

Start from the beginning

"Out of the way! Pant pant Fataxi is coming through!"Fat yelled as ran through the forest.

"You sure it's okay for us to leave the battle?"Shemage asked.

"We can still help you guys out a ton."Charge said.

"Trust me, we needed you kids to use your powers to disrupt enemy's reponse and divide leadership. That kept from coordinating, now we circle them and close in. They'll be crushed slowly but steadily!
As the battlefield gets smaller it'll be harder to use your area attacks without harming the pros, so it's best for you to take a breather with the rest of your classmates."He said reassuringly.

"Makes sense."Mudman said.

"We can handle the raid from here on!"He said with a smile.


"Is that... oh no!"I said as I saw flames in the distance.

Fire, blue fire.

Hawks is here, he's in trouble.


Hawk's POV ~

I'm on the floor as Dabi continues to fire continuous flames at me, burning all of my feathers off.

"You killed Twice like it was nothing. And yet you have the audacity to call yourself a hero?"He said in disgust.

Ahh! He's flames are getting even hotter!

"You hypocrite! I can't believe you murdered him!"He said in pain.


"You sound upset. So what's the smile you lunatic!"I said to him.

"Shut your mouth traitor ! You're being rude. It's not possible for me to cry, my tear ducts are burnt shut. Do you know what you've done? His quirk was invaluable, he made my dream feel possible! I'm more than just a little upset. I'm consumed by my sorrow!"He said slowly as he continued to burn me with his flames.


"What's your deal? I researched the league.
Found background info on everybody except for you and Shigiraki."I said to him.

Keigo Takami.

He knows my name.

I haven't heard that name since that day.

The day I became a hero.

Flashback to that faithful day

The day I was saved.

"Keigo, today you will say goodbye to that name. You're going to complete a special program that will turn you into a special hero. How's that sound? The training will be tough though can you handle it?" A man said to me.

"Will I grow up to become a hero like him? The kind who stops bad people? Will I make people smile? I mean like he did , when he saved my life?"I said as I looked at my Endeavor doll.

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