Chapter 22

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Hyy I'm back with new chapter.
Let's enjoy....

So everyone is sitting in a room and enjoying.

Sia - so Shreya and Ronnie, when are you guys getting married?

Ron - just in sometimes.

Shre - wedding is cancelled!

Shan - what? Why?

Ro - don't do this!

Sam - but why?

Shre - cause I've seen you flirting with that girls that day on pool side.

Ron - not just me, everyboy was doing that.

Shre - am I dating everyboy?

Ron - no

Shre - so yes, wedding is cancelled!

Hearing pool side Sia remembered her conversation with Shanaya and thought to ask her later about everything.

At night....

Sia - Shan, I wanna talk to you!

Shan - hmm say.

Sia - will you please come out of your idiotic phone!

Shan - say na!

Sia - now you have to answer some of my questions!

Then someone just entered in room.

Sm1 - even I want some answers Shanaya.

Sia - you here.

Shan - what are you doing here,


Sam - see I didn't wanna hear it but I've heard your and Sia's conversation on pool side.

Sia - why didn't you told till now.

Shan - yup, why?

Sam - don't wanna say it in front of everyone but now I've chance, so yes even I want answers.

Sia - our first question is who's your love Shanaya Abhi or Rohan?

Shan - Sia I... I love Rohan.

Hearing this Sameer got so much angry.

Sam - Shanaya singhania.
Why did you do this to Abhi, why suddenly your love changed. You know what you're such a player! You were first with Rohan then with Abhi, and now again Rohan, next who? Me or Ronnie. See Ms. Shanaya Singhania if you hurt any of my friends then you have to face my worst side. You know cause of you they were already has been enemies now don't do that again! I wish you weren't in there life then they would be happy and with someone who loves them truly!
Ms. Shanaya Singhania, you don't deserve Abhi or Rohan.

After saying all this Sameer was gifted with a tight slap from both the girls.

Sia - How dare you Mr. Sameer Mathur,how dare you say all this to Shanaya. From how much time do you know her, just half month, right? I've known her from last 5 years! She was breaking from inside cause she always used to think that she is the reason why Abhi and Rohan's friendship broke. Always I used to tell her that it's not truth, but today you have just said the most bitter things to her, if you would have given her poison then it would have been more sweeter than your words.

Sameer realized what he said.

Sam - I.....ugh... I'm so so sorry Shan I didn't mean it, I don't know how this things came in my mouth but really I didn't mean it!

Shan - I know what you meant Sameer. You're right I'm the reason their friendship broke, but now everything is like before. So you think I'm that bad that I'll again break their friendship, for which we are here, right we came here so that Rohan and Abhi be like before so now when they are, then fine I won't say anything to Rohan about my for him. I'll just get married to Abhi and forget Rohan. I'm not willing to break such a precious thing. I'm not that bad Mr. Mathur, I'm not.

Saying this Shanaya was about to go but she saw someone on door and got shocked!

The person was

It's a cliffhanger 😁.

So this was the chapter!

How was it?

Fav. Scene?

Who would be that person?

Do the person who heard the convo. was Sam!

Stay tuned

- Riya

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