Chapter 14

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So hyy I'm back with chapter 14.
Let's start.....

Doc - she is getting critical.

Ro - what.

Doc - yes, she has lost so much blood.

Abhi - what can we do.

Doc - we need a donator in 3 hours.

Sia - but doctor, her blood group is rare.

Doc - you have to do something about it as soon as possible.

Sam - we'll try our best.

Doctor went from there. All of them stared thinking about it.

Ron - how much rare it is?

Abhi - so much.

Shre - what will we do now.

Mia - we have to find a donator.

Ro - yes let's go.

After an hour.......

Abhi - did anyone find it?

Sia - no.

Rish - can I ask something?

Ron - sure.

Rish - what's her blood group?

Ro - AB negative.

Rish - I've the same.

Sia - really.

Rish - yes.

Abhi - why didn't you told before.

Rish - I wasn't knowing.

Sam - I'll go and call doctor.

He went and called doctor.

Doc - so who has same blood group.

Rish - I have.

Doc - I hope you haven't fell ill in last month.

Rish - no.

Sam - thank god.

Doc - come we'll take your some blood.

Rish - Sure.

They went.

After 2 hours.....

Shre - what would have happened, why hadn't doctor came yet.

Aar - where is Rishu.

Mia - Sam and Sia went to her.

Aar - I'll also go and have a check on her.

Ron - ya.

Rohan and Abhi were sitting outside of operation theatre.

Abhi  - Rohan she will get fine na?

Ro - Shanaya has someone who loves her so much, she has to get well.

Abhi - We both love her Rohan, about whom you're talking.

Ro - I don't...... I don't love her.

Abhi - don't lie, I am your best friend I know Shanaya is only girl to whom you love, others are just  for fun.

Ro - you are my best friend?

Abhi - no I mean, I was.

Ro - yes, you were.

Abhi went towards Rohan and hugged him tightly.

Ro - I know .

Abhi - yes, u know.

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