But how strong?

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Hi, I'm author (Thats not really my name). I've shown you who's the strongest character, but never really said how strong.

That's what this is all about. Strength.

Daiko: *nods*

Great. Now go into your strongest state.

Daiko: *powers up until his eyes go red*

Darko: *shakes his head* ! *powers up as his eyes glow brighter and spikes in his hair go red*

Here. Try to blow up a planet.

Darko: ...? *shrugs as he goes out of orbit and looks for a planet* ... *scratches a his head a bit* ! *points his hand at a planet and charges up a blast and fires it destroying the planet and the surrounding ones*

Cool. Got that out of the way. The easiest one. Now for a universe.

Darko: ...? *scratches the back of his head* ! *gets a piece of paper and draws the universe* ... *rips off a bit of the paper*

He can destroy more than half a universe if he wanted to. Now for some characters.

Zamasu (Fused): ...?

Darko: *stretches a bit before charging at him*

Zamasu (Fused): *gets in a stance and forms a blade*

[Timeskip #1]

Darko: *forms a blade as he stabs his gut*

Zamasu (Fused): ! *punches him*

Darko: *parries the punch as he stabs deeper as his hand gets in there and forces the other as he splits him in two*

Goku Black: *on the floor*
Zamasu: *on the floor*

Darko: *picks them both up* ... *headbutts them both before throwing them in the air and fires a huge red blast destroying both*

Moro: ...

Darko: ? *cracks his knuckles*

[Struggling Timeskip later]

Darko: *stabs him in the gut* !

Moro: *steals energy*

Darko: *powers up and smiles*

Moro: ?! *coughs a bit of blood*

Darko: *creates a spike and stabs Moro's head before ripping it off* ... *his hands glow purple before the head and body fade away* ?! *lowers his mask and spits out blood*

Granola: *blinks a bit*

Darko: ? *sighs as he eats a senzu bean and powers up* F***!

[Another one]

Darko: *throws a punch*

Granola: *coughs up blood*

Darko: *powers up as he glared at him and sent a spike to go through his right eye*

Granola: ?! *falls onto his knees*

Darko: Wished for this power huh? *forms claws* You don't even deserve it. *stabs his gut with a blade*

Granola: !! *struggles to be free*

Darko: *stops* You know...I was going to pull my arm that's currently in you and rip off...your chest and jaw, but that'd be too brutal and bloody. *drops him*

Granola: You're a...monster...

Darko: That's hurtful. It's good you didn't make that wish in this timeline, because I'd have a lot more trouble if you did make that wish here. So instead. *heals him*

Granola: *blinks confused as he felt his eye and gut* You healed me?

Darko: Yeah. Have you heard of the...let me see if I remember the name...the room of spirit of time?

Granola: No, what's that?

Darko: ... *smiles as he creates a portal* Its a place where when you spend a year in there, a day passes here. And you'll be spending the rest of your life there.

Granola: Wait what?

Darko: *kicks him in there and descends to his base form and sits down* Well...Rhise fights didn't even feel like fun. To be honest I think Daiko would've handled Zamasu and Moro. The cliff bar guy? I didn't even need full power to fight him. *heart beats as he clenched his chest* Whoo...I am...exhausted...hit the snooze button...

Daiko: In five minutes... *closes his eyes slowly* or just turn off the alarm...zzz...zzz...

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