The Rematch and More

Start from the beginning

Grim: use dragon claw

Axew: ax ax ax ax

Axew rushed at servine 

Trip: servine uss cut.

His lead blades turn white/blue and ran at Axew. 

Servine: ser, ser, ser, ser

The attacks connected, neither back down as they turn into a close combat fight.

Trip: leaf tornado, go

Servine spun on his head as his tail created a a massive tornado of leafs. He twist making the tornado slide to the side and ensure Axew.

Axew: ax!

They tornado dives into the ground and disappeared, leaving Axew down on the ground.

Grim: Axew can you still fight

Axew slowly gets up but the yells standing up.

Axew: Axew! Ax ax

Grim: great use draco meteor 

Axew charged up the attack

Trip: servine cut

Servine: ser-vine

Draco meteor was good and ready but before Axew could fire servine unleashed cut. There was a mass explosion. And out of the dust servine stood over a fainted axew on its back.

Axew: ew 

Grim: thanks Axew we'll take it form here.

Trip: your Axew is impressive, but it's not strong enough. Dragon claw should have cut could, that so he's need improvement. 

Grim returns Axew. Grims throws a pokeball.

Grim: Darumaka, get ready to rumble

Darumaka appears and cheers.

Darumaka:  Darumaka

Grim: use fire punch

Darumaka goes on the offense unleashed multiple fire punches servine dodged some but thanks to Darumaka moves he got in good hits.

Trip: servine leaf tornado.

Servine: servine!

Servine fires leaf tornado as it caught Darumaka and slams him into the ground.  

Trip: servine cut

Servine charges at Darumaka. 

Grim: Darumaka extrasensory 

Darumaka fires his beam and lift servine into the air.

Servine: servine?

Darumaka process to throws servine around. Then throws him into the air. As he falls Darumaka runs.

Grim: use gyro ball

Darumaka: daru!!!!

He spins off a rock into the air

Trip: servine use cut

Servine: ser-vine

Servine deflects the move.

Grim: use flamethrower.

Trip: no

Darumaka: Maka!

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