Simeon x Reader || Jingle Jingle

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      You were playing around with the bell attached your bracelet when without so much as a warning, your door was bursted open by none other than your resident otaku; Leviathan. You fell off your bed at the surprise.

      "Uwah! Levi!? What is it? You scared me!"

      The demon ran up to you and held onto your shoulders, "(Y/n)! Can you belive it?! That was so unexpected! I don't know how to feel about this! Well— I mean, it's just a one shot and is confirmed to be non-cannon— but still! Don't you think it's a little inconsistent from everything else?!"

      He was talking so fast, and shaking you vigorously, so much that you were seeing stars, "W-What...? Dude! Stop shaking me, Levi! Calm down!"

      "How can I calm down!!??"

      "How else am I supposed to understand what you're saying!? I can't when I'm so dizzy and you panicking!"

      "Okay... you're right..." he took a deep heavy breath while your surroundings slowly stopped spinning. ", I take it that weren't able to buy the new TSL one shot story?"

      "I was busy with my homework at the time," you said, gesturing at the mountains of papers and textbooks littering your room.

      "Okay— wait, wow, that is a lot of stuff... I didn't notice that earlier. ANYWAY! That's not my point, you should read it when you get the chance then come to my room. I don't want to give you spoilers, so hurry up, okay!? Read it ASAP! I'll send you a link to the ebook!"

      With that, Leviathan left your room.

* * *

      "Ugh... finally!" you groaned, stretching your arms far over your head as you leaned on your chair, letting it lean despite being advised not to. "Why should we get so much homework, huh? This is insane! Thank goodness I finished..."

      'Oh, that's right, Levi came panicking into my room about that non-cannon TSL cover story... hm, wonder what's that about...'

      Your brain was too tired to read at the moment, but you checked the link he sent you anyway and bought the ebook in case it would distract you from your lethargy. The cover made you raise an eyebrow.

      On the cover, was a character you've never seen before. Though, it is non-cannon, so it shouldn't be much of a surprise for a new character to show up.

     Without ado, you read through it... this new character turned out to be a love interest for Henry. He is a kind person with a gentle welcoming smile. It was told in his perspective. Him pinning and watching Henry from afar. At the end of the book, he professes his love to the protagonist and it ends with a cliffhanger.




       "I've casted my feelings to the side, thinking that there's no hope that you'd feel the same way. It's better that way, after all, the brothers have your back.... at least, that's what I thought."


      "I can't keep it to myself any longer. My dear hero, I love you. If I dare ask... how do you feel about me?"

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