Asmodeus x reader || Dyed With The Color of Love

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      You were walking home from RAD, when you noticed a flower shop just outside the building. Curious, you approached it. It was a moving shop, full of roses of every Human World color. There was a cute little sign that says, "Valentines Day Roses! Give a white rose to and innocent dear, a yellow rose to a treasured friend, a pink rose to someone as close as family, and most importantly, a red rose for your beloved one!"

      'I forgot that Valentine's Day was comming up...' you thought. 'I didn't even know that they celebrated it here in the Devildom.' You looked around as other students passed by you without looking at the shop. 'Maybe not...'

      You looked back to the shop, 'I should buy Asmo a red flower.'

* * *

      When you back to the House of Lamentation, you were greeted by the brothers who got there early.

      "Hey, (y/n)! I got you something!" Mammon exclaimed, marching up to you. He handed you a red rose from the shop. "Ya better be grateful and urm... I didn't know the meaning of it, okay! Don't go getting the wrong idea!"

      You chuckled, taking the flower in your hands, "Thank you, Mammon."

      "That's such a normie thing..." Levi grumbled, walking up to the two of you. "But, I guess I can't say anything since uh..." he pulled out a yellow rose. "The yellow symbolizes friendship, right? And you're a true friend, so here!"

      "Thanks, Levi!"

      "You guys got them some flowers too?" Beel asked as he and Belphie walked into the room.

      "We thought to give you one too," Belphie said, giving you two pink roses.

      "Well, since everyone's gone to give you theirs already, I might as well give you mine..." Satan handed out another pink rose.

      "Thank you, they're all lovely."

      Lucifer walked in the room, "So you saw the shop in front of RAD, huh. (Y/n), here." He handed you a rose, and it was... red.

      "Eh!!!??? Wait! Lucifer, that's a red rose!" Mammon exclaimed.

      "Yes, you gave them a red one too didn't you? So I don't see the problem."

      You looked around the room, one demon was missing, "Um... where's Asmo?"

      "He went straight to his room when we came back," Satan informed.

      "I see..."

      As the brothers chatted, you slipped away and dropped the flowers gifted to you in your room, before heading to Asmo's.

      You knocked on his door.

      "Come in!~"

     You held the red rose you bought behind you as you came in.

      "Oh, (y/n)! You're here!" Asmo beamed.

      "Yeah... you know how there's a flower shop in front of RAD?"

      "Mm, the roses are lovely. Oh! That's right! Speaking of roses, that reminds me... I've got a special one for you!" he pulled out a paper bag.

      Your face lit up ever so slightly, 'He got me a flower? I wonder if it's a red one...'

      "Tadaa~!!!" Asmo pulled out a rose from inside the paper bag. Though, it wasn't a red one. It was a white one.

      "Oh... it's really pretty..." you tried not to let the disappointment show in your voice or face. 'I thought for sure that he'd give me a red one out of all his brothers... is this his way of saying that he'll never be interested in me that way?'

      You hid the red rose inside the back of your shirt.

      "Come on! Hold it and think real hard of how you feel about me!"


      "You don't have to say it out loud! We don't need those boring words, just hold it and think!" he urged you to hold onto the rose, and you eventually comply to his wishes.

      "Alright alright, fine.... I'll hold it."

     You stared at the white rose in your hand, 'How I feel about you? Of course... I love you. I love you more than anything. But I guess you don't feel the same way....'

      You sighed, as nothing happened, "So, what am I supposed to do now?"

      "(Y/n)! (Y/n), look!"

      "Huh?" you looked back at the white rose as it glowed radiantly in your hands. Then, it's color was dyed in a vibrant red from the middle, until it's petals were fully red. "What's... what just happened?"

      "Yay!!!" Asmo cheered. "It was a magic flower! I told you it's special!"

      "...what?" you asked.

      "That rose isn't just any other rose! It appears pure white at first, however, if you gift it to someone you love, the color changes!!! And since it's red, you feel the same way! Look! It's even still faintly glowing, see?!" he pointed at the flower.

      "Wait wait wait... slow down! Does... does this mean..."

      "Yes, silly! I love you, (y/n)!"

    "R-Really!? That scared me for a second! I thought you were friend zoning me when you didn't give me a red flower!"

     "Teehee! Sorry!"

      "Um... ah, I got you a flower too. But it isn't special or magical like the one you gave me, though..." you trailed off, revealing the red rose to him.

      "(Y/n)! You're so cute and thoughtful! It's doesn't matter that it isn't magical! It's from you, after all! And it's a symbol of your love!"

      "Thank you, Asmo... and um... so are we a uh... thing?"

      "Yes! We're a thing!"

      "We're a thing!"

     "The most beautiful thing in all three worlds! These two roses are the the symbol of our love!"

      You smiled, looking at your rose, and the white rose that was dyed with the color of love.


(A/n: I know it's not Valentines Day, or any time close to it, but uh... yeah, I just needed an excuse for there to be a moving flower shop in front of RAD lol and for the brothers to all buy flowers for MC at the same day. This one was a short one, but I hope you enjoyed it, haha. Yes, I am trying to make this reach 1000 words with the authors note for self fulfillment purposes so please excuse this unnecessarily long author's note. Oh, hey! I did it!)

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