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1 week later

                                   flora's POV

yeah, she should be able to get discharged today. we're not gonna fly back just yet though." i hear my mom say.

i open my eyes, looking up to see my grandma holding my hand.

she looks down at me, smiling.

"tu vas bien chérie?" she asks me.
"are you alright darling?"

"Oui." i nod my head.

but im not okay, i feel horrible. i found out that my friend jade actually ended up passing away from the accident and my heart absolutely hurts. plus frankie is blaming herself for it and i hate that. my mom told me that even though frankie turned around, a car was on the wrong side which hit the front of us and another car got caught up and hit the side. i don't know how to feel.

she continues to say little things to me, and i just nod my head for all of it.

im really just ready to get out of this hospital, i wanna go home, be in my room, be with my cat, literally anywhere but here.

my mom took my phone from me so i still haven't contacted anybody, and no one knows im "awake" or whatever.

but ive heard that the paparazzi have been literally camping outside of the hospital, so i don't know how easy it's gonna be for me to get out of here.

i just think that's so stupid though. ive been in the hospital for a while now, and their first though is "let me waste my life and sit outside of hospital not evening knowing if she's gonna wake up or not." it's dumb and weird.

"mom can me and and stella take a walk? i wanna move around." i ask.

stella looks at my mom.

"yeah, i would just put a hat on or something." she says. "and enos gonna have to go with you."

"why?" i look over at eno. "no offense."

he just shakes his head.

"a lot of people have already been trying to get on this floor just to see you. i wanna make sure you're safe is all. and it's best if people don't know everything that's going on right now, so try not to go too far." she tells us.

"okay." we both say in unison.

stella helps me get up in a wheel chair.

along with my fractured rib, i have a concussion, my ankle is sprained, and i have a whole bunch of bruises and scratches all over me. im okay to walk. i just don't feel like it in all honesty.

i sit in the wheel chair and throw my hoodie over my head. even if people did know i was awake i still wouldn't want them to see me, i look horrible.

my knotted hair, my pale skin, and overall tired look. i already know people would have something to say about it.

stella gets behind me and pushes me as i put my head down.

"where do you wanna go?" she asks.

"i don't know, lets just walk around." i tell her.


we have a small conversation and laugh as we walk around the hospital.

i look up for a second to see someone staring at me. i ignore it and look back down.

"we need to go back to the room." eno says.

"i don't wanna." i say.

"we have to." he says.

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