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i wake up suddenly, my breathing heavy.

i blink a few times as my eyes try to adjust to the bright light. but they don't, so i settle on squinting my eyes. my throat feels dry and my body aches, so i don't move around too much.

"she's awake! mom!" i hear, so i look around for the source of the voice.

it's still blurry but i see three figures run back into the room.

someone holds me in their arms, crying silently. "you're finally awake." i hear my moms voice.

"mom?" i croak out.

"im here." she rubs my head, then kisses my forehead. "i missed you so much."

i try to speak again, but i can't.

"she needs water." i now remember the voice, my sister.

my eyes still haven't adjusted to the lighting, but i hear shuffling around the room. casual moving and the sound of a faucet turning on and off.

"here." my sister says, handing me a cup. "it has a straw in it."

i grab the cup, eventually opening my eyes slightly to see the people in front of me.

a nurse comes in.

"okay so ally is gonna ask you a few questions and do a few things, after that, we're gonna run some tests okay?" the doctor says, i just stare at him.

he looks over at my mom. "try not to overload her with too much information right now, okay?"

my mom nods her head.

"okay, ill be back." he says, closing the door.

"hi honey, im ally and im just gonna ask you a few things."

"okay." i say quietly.

"do you remember what happened?" she asks.

i close my eyes, thinking for a moment. but nothing important really comes to my mind.

i shake my head no. "i was in new york right? or are we still here?

she nods her head.

"okay, let me know if you feel any pain." she tells me.

she starts pressing certain parts on my body, and i wince a bit every time but it gets worse when she gets to my rib.

"that hurts." i tell her.

"so you do have a fractured rib, it's been healing for about a month now. but since you haven't moved around or anything it's still gonna hurt a little bit." she tells me.

i furrow my eyebrows. "a month, what month is it?"

"november. you've been in a coma for about a month and a half now." the nurse tells me.

i widen my eyes. "what? why?"

"caused by an accident." the nurse says. "can you follow my finger?" she asks.

my eyes follow as she moves her finger around quickly, but my head starts to hurt so i stop.

"what accident?" i ask, but no one answers me.

"okay, im gonna get you something for the pain, Doctor mason should be back soon to run some tests."

i nod my head, and she leaves the room.

"can someone tell me what happened?" i question.

"you got in a car accident with your friends a while ago." my mom says.

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