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                                 billie's POV

              ama.allan via instagram story!

              kristenjstark via instagram story!

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              kristenjstark via instagram story!

              kristenjstark via instagram story!

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"i already call this room." harley says.

"billie, you can room with me." flora tells me.

"okay." i say with a nod.

"kristen, are we starting the fire tonight?" ama asks him.

"nah, we'll start it tomorrow." he says.

he walks over and whispers something in floras ear. it causes her to laugh and i find myself rolling my eyes.

"okay, come on." she tells me.

we both grab our bags and i follow her up to the room.

my eyes widen immediately. "wow this shits big." i say.

she laughs. "yeah."

"you pay for all of this?" i ask her.

"most of it, im happy to do it though." she smiles. "especially for konos birthday."

"when is that?" i ask.

"new years eve." she says and i nod.

"it's really nice of you." i tell her.

"yeah." she smiles softly. "when is drew coming again?"

"tomorrow." i say and she nods.

"she can just sleep in here with us then."

"okay." i say.

she yawns. "i think im gonna lay down for a bit."

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