When Pixie Lost Her Heart

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"Slightly better. It seems like I was doing it all wrong before," I said breathlessly. "I had the bubbles and candles and even a rubber ducky. It seems I was missing the most important part; a Bigfoot with talented hands and a big magical pe... hmph." He gripped the back of my head in one hand and took my mouth in a heated kiss, interrupting my nonsense

I cupped his beautiful face and kissed him back, that fierce burn in my chest translating into a raw passion that swept over us both. I lifted myself and positioned him. He pushed inside me in one strong push, water sloshing everywhere. We both groaned when he seated himself deep inside me. He held my hips in his strong grasp while I rode him slowly, savoring the feeling of being filled by him. It felt so amazing. I didn't think I'd ever get used to it. I gripped his shoulders for leverage and he let me set the pace. His panting breaths and his grip on my hips were the only clues that he was as overtaken as I was. I picked up the pace and soon my movements became erratic as I felt the climax building and building.

"Come with me," I gasped, fusing my mouth to his as I came, I dimly heard his answering groan, his big body trembling in my arms. An overwhelming feeling of possessiveness gripped me when he buried his head in my neck.

He is mine, a little reckless voice whispered.

Ah, Ezgi, ah. Will you never learn?

My hands tunneled through his thick hair and I held him to me while his agitated breath sawed out of his chest. His arms lashed around me and he held me so tightly it was almost uncomfortable. After a few moments, he released the stranglehold he had on me and lifted his head. His gaze slammed into mine and I heard his swift intake of breath. His eyes traced my features in wonder. His fingertips followed, gently tracing my cheekbones, the shell of my ear, and coming down to frame my face. He looked shell-shocked.

"Özgür?" I felt unmoored and bewildered. Like something was being silently said between us but I didn't understand the language.

"It wasn't the flu," he murmured and I blinked in confusion.

"You have the flu?" I said and he shook his head slightly and released a shivery breath. He looked so vulnerable. Like he was grappling with something significant. Whatever it was, I wanted to make it better, to take away whatever had made him look so lost.

Of its own volition, my body clenched the semi-hardness inside of me. He groaned out a curse and ground his hips against mine. I did it again and again. The helpless sound he made as he reached his peak again sent a powerful surge of feminine satisfaction through me. I felt a wave of tenderness for him that brought tears to my eyes. I blinked them away rapidly before he could see and kissed him gently on the lips. His thick lashes lifted and he opened his mouth to say something. My heart picked up its rhythm in answer to his and whatever emotional upheaval he was experiencing. He closed his mouth abruptly before he could say anything and something passed over his face If I didn't know better I'd say he looked terrified. In an unexpected move, he had us both out of the tub in a blink. He wrapped me in a towel and carried me carefully through the small lake we'd made on the bathroom floor to my bedroom and set me down gently on the bed.

"I have to go," he mumbled.

I frowned after his retreating figure, more confused than ever. My heart ached, my body felt empty and cold. What the hell had just happened?

I hurried to the dresser and pulled out a set of pajamas. I was yanking the shirt over my head when I heard the front door open and close.

I ran into the living room and stared stupidly at the closed door. Tesla sat next to me also glancing curiously at the door.

"What in the world?" I whispered and then I had a sudden flash of deja vu. He had fled like this that first night we made love. Made love? Where had that come from? We didn't make love. We fucked like bunnies. My heart squeezed and I swallowed the lump of tears in my throat. I didn't understand what I'd done wrong. No, I shook my head. I would not go down this road again. I determinedly put him out of my mind.

Love and Pixie Dust- A Bay Yanlış Reimagining.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat