Triple Threat and More Surprises

Comincia dall'inizio

Chili: use dig again

Pansear: pan

Pansear dug into the ground.

Grim: Darumaka, use gyro ball in he hole

Darumaka: Darumaka

Darumaka spun creating three glowing rings around him. He dives into the hole.

Chili: what

Form below they hear multiple thuds and out of the ground comes pansear and gyro ball Darumaka.

Grim: Darumaka extrasensory 

Darumaka: dara!

Darumaka activated his psychic Powers and used extrasensory grabbing chili. He spun him around and slams him into the ground. The dust settles and pansear fainted.

Grim: alright darumaka.

Gligar: gli gli

Darumaka: Darumaka.

Chili returns pansear to its pokeball. 

Chili: Thanks pansear. I must say your Darumaka is quite strong.

The girls groan as gligar laugh. Later the trio stood in front of grim, presenting the badge.

Cilan: now may we present you the trio badge

Grim: thanks

Grim takes the badge and holds it up.

Grim: oh yeah, I just got the trio badge.

Gligar: gligar!

Darumaka: Darumaka!

He then puts it in his badge case, it's orange.

Cilan: now before you, it's evaluation time

The girls squealed but the trainer and Pokémon were confused.

Grim: wha

Cilan: oh, I forgot to tell you, we are Pokémon connoisseur, people who specializes in identifying the compatibility between Pokémon Trainers and their Pokémon. Now then with your gligar.

Gligar: gligar 

Cilan: your gligar's claws a very sharp and polished, it shows he's quite strong. His eyes, teeth and skin are just beaming will recipe of fitness. I must say that your compatibility is very strong.

Grim: wow thanks.

Gligar: gligar

Grim and gligar walk out and head to the bext gym. In the way, the two end up going through a rocky terrain.

Grim: you just had to go left because you saw warning wild Pokémon.

Gliagr: gliagr gligar.

They continue to argue until the heard crashing, they heard where the noise came and then they saw Pokémon facing a rock.

They continue to argue until the heard crashing, they heard where the noise came and then they saw Pokémon facing a rock

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