Chapter 15 - Journey to the Philosopher's Stone

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"Stop moving, all three of you! This is Devil's Snare. You have to relax. If you don't, it will only kill you faster." Hermione explained what the plant was and saw the shock looks on Harry, Ron and Chloe's faces.

"WHAT?! Why did you have to tell us this?" Chloe yelled out to Hermione as she was still moving about and the plant was only tying her tighter.

"Kill us faster?! Oh, sure, now I can relax!" Ron shouted out to Hermione as he saw Hermione giving a small smile to him, Harry and Chloe.

Hermione relaxed once again in her space and she immediately got sucked down below onto the ground and Harry, Ron and Chloe were panicking because they thought Hermione was in danger.

"Hermione!" Harry, Ron and Chloe all shouted out at the time and began moving in their spaces frantically again.

"Now, what are we gonna do?" Ron shouted out to Harry and Chloe who was looking around them to see what they can do to escape the plant that was tying them tighter as time went on.

"Just relax!" Hermione's voice yelled out from below them which caused Harry, Ron and Chloe to look around to see where Hermione's voice was coming from.

"Hermione! Where are you?!" Harry yelled out to Hermione who was standing on the ground beneath him, Ron and Chloe.

"Do what I say. Trust me." Hermione said as Chloe looked back at Harry and Ron who was looking at Chloe with a scared expression on their face.

"We need to trust Hermione. I know I do." Chloe said to Harry and Ron as she relaxed into the plant and got sucked through immediately and landed on the ground below them with a thud.

Hermione put out her hand towards Chloe to help her get up from the ground and Chloe looked up at Hermione and saw her smiling at her. Chloe grabbed Hermione's hand and got up from the ground with the help of Hermione.

"Thank you." Chloe said to Hermione with a little smile on her face and saw Hermione smiling back at her as they both looked up at Harry and Ron who was still tied into the plants above them.

"Chloe!" Harry and Ron both shouted Chloe's name to make sure that she was okay.

"Guys! I'm okay, but you need to trust us!" Chloe shouted out to Harry and Ron from the ground below them.

Harry looked at Ron and then relaxed himself within the plants. Harry felt himself being sucked through the plants and landed on the ground hard. Hermione and Chloe walked over to Harry and helped him get up from the ground.

"Harry!" Ron shouted out Harry's name to see if he was okay just like he did when he shouted out Hermione and Chloe's name.

"Are you okay?" Hermione asked Harry who nodded his head at her.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." Harry said as he, Hermione and Chloe looked up to see if Ron had managed to relax and get himself down onto the ground where Harry, Hermione and Chloe were.

"Help!" Ron repeatedly shouted out to Harry, Hermione and Chloe who was standing on the ground beneath Ron.

"He's not relaxing, is he?" Hermione said and shook her head and looked at Harry and Chloe.

"Apparently not." Harry said and looked around the ground to see if there was anything to help Ron to relax but he couldn't find anything that could help Ron.

"Help! Help me!" Ron shouted out once again as Chloe then looked at Harry and Hermione with a panicked look on her face.

"We need to help Ron!" Chloe said to Harry and Hermione as she saw Hermione thinking to herself about how to help out Ron at Devil's Snare.

A Hogwarts Journey - The Philosopher's StoneNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ