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You quickly did what Jimin said, cleaning yourself up in the stall. You were lucky you'd stashed some wet wipes with the extra tampons in your tiny purse. When you were done you froze, you were going to have to walk back out there in front of him.

"Hurry up Angel before we get caught." Jimin's voice was teasing, but sexy.

"You can just give me my dress and go I'll be fine, thank you for helping me." You flushed, you weren't sure you could stand in front of him again. Your bra was practically see through, your panties about the same, but also stained with blood. How could you stand at the sink washing your dress with his eyes on your body? That thought sent prickles of sensation between your legs. You wished it hadn't.

"Water isn't going to get this stain out, come here. I promise to keep my eyes up." Jimin's voice held notes of laughter and you unlocked the stall stepping out.

Good to his word he was fixing his hair in the mirror ignoring you, your dress still draped over one of his arms. You approached the sink and paused, he turned looking at your face, making a show that he wasn't breaking the rules.

"If water won't work what can we do?" You knew he was right, cheap bathroom soap and water wasn't going to do anything.

"Did you know that saliva dissolves blood?" The coy smile on his face had your heart beating. He spit on his finger and flipping the skirt of your dress inside out dabbed it against the blood. Immediately the spot beneath lightened considerably.

"I'm not sure I want to know how you learned this information." You swallowed hard working up some spit and rubbed it against another spot. Your mouth had gone dry, probably from nervousness at being practically nude in front of an unfamiliar, albeit attractive man.

"Something wrong?" Jimin watched you struggling.

"I haven't had anything to drink in a while," you frowned spitting practically nothing against your finger. Jimin curled his hand around your waist, his palm warm on your bare skin and drew you close.

"I can help."

Then his lips were on yours, from the very start of the touch you felt your stomach flip-flopping with tension, then his tongue was parting your lips, teasing into your mouth. While his kiss wasn't wet, it brought moisture to your own, your body reacting to his, a tiny gasp caught in your throat. He kissed you more seriously, his forearm across your back, firmly planting your body against the plane of his, Park Jimin tasted of champagne and heat. When he finally pulled back you were left dizzy and needy for him.

Jimin dragged a finger across the wetness of your bottom lip and grinned. You made quick work of cleaning the remaining blood off your dress, cheeks so red you couldn't look at him. When you were done you used a wet paper towel to finish and looked at the final product. It wasn't bad at all, a small discoloration remained but in a crowded softly lit room you'd be in the clear.

"Thank you Jimin, for noticing, and for helping me. I would have been so embarrassed if that showed in pictures later." He dropped the dress over your head, and then pulled the zipper back to the top. You almost closed your eyes as you felt his delicate touch, smoothing the straps into place.

"It's a shame to be dressing you, I liked taking it off better." You felt his plump lips at the base of your neck, then he brushed your hair back into place.

"I'm not a virgin Park Jimin." Why had you blurted that out? You met his dark eyes in the mirror and he raised a brow.

"My mistake, you seemed a little jumpy for someone who'd been with guys before." Jimin shrugged and stepped closer, his hand on your stomach pulling you backward against his body. His heat radiated through you.

"Bold to assume I'm into guys." He kissed your bare shoulder and chuckled meeting your eyes again.

"Angel, your body is begging me to lift you onto the sink and take you right here, don't try to deceive me." His hand edged upward until his thumb brushed the underside of your breast through the dress. "Don't think that a little period blood would stop me if I wanted to do it." You winced at his 'wanted to' did that mean he didn't?

"We should get back to the party, thank you again." You turned in his arms, expecting him to step back and let you go, but he didn't. You were so close to him you felt fire everywhere, he was right, your body was responding to him longingly.

Jimin lowered his head, his kisses meeting your collarbone this time, blazing little touches that had your hands gripping his shoulders. He went lower, kissing as far into your cleavage as the neckline of your dress would allow. Your panties were soaked, you wanted him, were so needy for him in fact that if he'd suggested you drop to the floor and take him into your mouth you wouldn't have hesitated.

"Y/N." He said your name, it was a prayer on his lips, when his head lifted, you kissed him. You didn't even wait for what he was going to say next. Your fingers curled around the back of his neck, teasing strands of his hair and your tongue found his first this time. You knew you shouldn't do this, it was one thing to allow him to kiss you, to let him torment you, another to actively participate in your own downfall. What would Eunwoo say if she knew you were ignoring everything she'd told you? You hadn't been close in years anyway, you kissed him more eagerly.

Jimin pulled back first, his lips meeting your neck, carefully, swirling his tongue against the pulse of your throat. He groaned against you and then met your lips again, his hand fully over your breast now, and you were the one groaning. You were losing track of your thoughts, completely overwhelmed by the taste of him.

"We should stop." Jimin pulled back completely this time, not to kiss down your neck again, not to lift you against the sink as promised. You shivered, missing his warmth, his mouth so hungrily against your own.

"Why?" Was this because he didn't really want you, he had implied it earlier.

"I have a girl and what we're doing would easily be considered cheating. I don't cheat, Angel. That's the worst thing you can do to someone you care about." Jimin put distance between your bodies and your head was spinning. You couldn't make sense of what he was telling you.

"You have a girlfriend?"

"A fiance yes." Your eyes went wide. You felt your stomach drop and the nausea that came with it.

"Then why are you in here with me?"

"It's a mutually beneficial relationship. I care about her greatly, but we're not in love. The details don't matter. You go out first. I'll wait another five minutes and then follow. If anyone is in the hall waiting explain the toilet is broken." Jimin turned back to the mirror and grabbed a paper towel wiping the stain of your lipstick from his mouth. He'd completely ignored your question.

You glanced at yourself, using your thumb to wipe a smudge and then left without a word. Eunwoo was right, he didn't care for anyone. But if that was true, then why had he bothered to save you from the embarrassment of your dress? Likely to get you alone and naked, she'd warned you to not talk to him, and never be alone with him, and like a child you'd just ignored her. You didn't believe for an instant that Park Jimin didn't cheat. He was the definition of womanizer.

Jimin's Whore • PJMWhere stories live. Discover now