"Have fun convincing your Dad." Jasper scoffs, me rolling my eyes.

It's always about him, isn't it?

"What you got first?" I ask, the noise of passing students lowering as I get out the car, normal, un-bothered look on my face.

"Homeroom with your wackass girlfriend. Honestly, don't know what you see in her. Santana for real thinks the world revolves around her." Jasper says spitefully, look of disgust on his face.

"What can I say?" I smirk, shrugging my shoulder as I make my way down the hall, people moving out my way. "She gives good head."

As the bell rings, I say goodbye too Jas, walking over too room 49 too start homeroom, easily the worst 'lesson' of the day.

Reminds me I still have 6 hours left in this pool of sweaty excuses of teenagers, all of which I notice staring at me on a regular basis.

Like, I get it but can you just not?

Period 1 rolls around sure enough, my sociology classroom pratically full by the time I get there, meeting San who's waiting at the door for me.

"Hey baby." I smile, giving her a quick kiss as we enter the room, arm slung around her shoulder.

"Hey V." My girlfriend replies, hair pulled back in a tight ponytail.

"Ladies, enough with the PDA. New seating plan, Santana next too Emilia at the front and Venus, take a seat next too Billie."

Just as San goes too overreact, I tap her side slightly, letting her know it's okay before she begrudgingly goes too sit next too Emilia.

"Who's Billie?" I ask loudly, name not ringing a bell. Anyways, I don't memorize anyone unimportant's name. I have other shit too think about.

Seeing noone raise their hand, I scoff, turning too the teacher. Must've some new kid. Needs too learn her place before I physically shove her into it.

"Girl at the back, black hair." Miss Gold sighs, taking her own seat.

As I turn around, I see some unfamiliar girl, said hair dragged partially over her face, vibrant blush on her cheeks.

Strutting over too her, I can't help but smirk, watching the fear in her eyes mixed with the excessive heat across her face.

"Hey princess." I say in a hushed tone, spreading my legs out in a manspread on my chair, seeing 'Billie' get, if possible, even redder.

As the girl doesn't say anything, I laugh too myself, shaking my head. "You mute or something?"

A moment passes, the only thing audible being the teacher explaining whatever we're supposed too be doing.

"No." Billie replies quietly, ot being able too maintain eye contact anymore.

"Do I make you nervous, angel?" I ask boldly, leaning in so she can feel my breath travel down too her neck.

Just by the way she stays deadly still, I already know the answer. People have been into me enough times now that I can see right through everybody.

"No." Billie says unconvincingly, hand trembling slightly in her lap.

"Oh do you don't mind if I," Lifting her chin up with my fingers, face only inches from hers now, I find myself drawn too her lips, making me hesitate for a moment. "Do this?"

Something about her, I don't know, throwing me off. If I were into shy people, she would be easily top three. I mean, if I wasn't dating Santana, of course.

Billie swallows nervously, making me laugh lowly, teacher's attention still glued too the smart board as she explains something or other, too busy too notice the interaction going on in the back of her classroom.

"Didn't think so."

As I go too pull away, in the corner of my eye I can see Santana, shooting daggers at me as I pratically breathe on this new girl, smoke almost coming out her ears.

Making her jealous is almost too easy, to be honest, it makes me extremely cocky.

So, I decide too have a little fun with this.

"You into girls, Billie?" I ask, eyes still on her lips. Straight too the point. Why beat around the bush when you can be blunt? People like confidence.


"I'll take that as a yes then." Smirking, I admire the blush on her face. Feeling her beautiful, blue eyes meet mine, full of neediness. This girl is doing something too me I don't like.

"Your girlfriend is watching us. You should stop." Billie whispers, not because she doesn't want too be heard but instead because that's all she can push out.

"And what about it? You jealous, princess? Wish that you could be her?"

The black haired girl takes a minute too respond, looking at my face with something I can't read. However, what comes out of her mouth surprises me, and not in a bad way.

"I think you wish I was."


She's the one.

Billie's the next victim.

"Meet me in the girl's bathroom in the art block, the one noone uses. I expect you there by lunch."

For the rest of the class, Billie stays silent, clearly her confidence plummeting after her response, busying herself with the work as I stare at her side profile, taking in every aspect I can before class finishes.

This girl makes me curious. What for, I don't know. But I have a feeling I want too figure it out.

As the bell rings, I'm drawn back too reality, the realization I'm going too have too deal with my girlfriend washing over me.

"What the actual fuck do you think you were doing, V?" Santana asks angrily, catching up too me as I navigate my way around the buildings.

"Relax, baby. I was just having some fun with the new girl. You know I love you."

Santana sighs, interlacing our hands as we walk, shaking her head.

"I'm going too kill her." San says through gritted teeth, looking straight ahead.

"She would only be your third San, you're not ready yet." I laugh, making sure noone is listening too our conversation. "Besides, the girls mine."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

turned 13 today so I'm posting this chapter now. really hate this book so far, giving me flashbacks too my very first fanfics it's so badly written lmao

anyways i love y'all more than I can describe thank you if you're even reading this

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