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They start hanging out in each other's rooms.

It's strange because they've been friends for so long, so they both acknowledge the peculiarity of them not having entered each other's rooms before that night, yet there's an unspoken agreement not to make what had happened a one-time thing.

Sometimes Jay will get home early while Heeseung is out studying, so he'll go into his best friend's room and sit on the bench in front of his bed with his laptop, the mouse darting across the screen as he switches up game plans and organizes newly developed attack combinations.

He had been self-conscious about it at first, but when he finds a set of rainbow highlighters on his dresser or a half-folded UW sweatshirt on his pillowcase, he feels a plume of relief release from his chest from the breath he didn't realize he was holding.

Of course, they also spend time together in the rooms because it would most definitely be strange if they both just stayed there without the other for too long. Jay helps Heeseung with studying, sometimes with flashcards and sometimes without, relying on the plethora of unit folders that Heeseung has saved on his google drive for maximum efficiency. His best friend had fallen asleep a couple more times, so much that Jay put an extra pillow there because his neck was unforgiving in the morning when Heeseung would steal his.

There is one time that Jay does feel slightly self-conscious, and that moment is now.

"Jay~" Heeseung lilts his voice as he swings the door of his bedroom open to see Jay stuck between pulling of his Washington Sounders quarter zip.

Jay startles and gets stuck between the hole for the neck and the open bottom of the sweater, one gangly arm sticking out while the other is stuck inside, just beneath the armhole. The t-shirt he's wearing underneath bunches up, and even though Heeseung has seen his belly button a million times, he still feels mortified and freezes his actions, thinking that if he doesn't move at all, the situation can't get any better, but it can't get any worse either.

"You're such a slob," Heeseung snorts as he walks over and forces Jay's free-ish hand to grab the hem of his t-shirt. "Hold this." He re-positions Jay's head by pushing it around inside the quarter zip, and Jay grumbles, "No, I'm not."

"Slob, slob, slobby, slob~" Heeseung practically yodels. "Slobbiest slob in the entire slobbiverse."

Jay would be growling at his best friend if he weren't trying so hard not to laugh at Heeseung's absurdity.

"Oh my god, you crazy shit!" He finally gets the quarter-zip off and heaves a sigh of relief. He doesn't think he would've been able to take it anymore.

Heeseung snorts again, and steals the quarter zip, slipping it over his head. "Today is a momentous day," he says as he walks out into the kitchen to drink some water. Jay chokes on his spit as he sees the way his clothing fits tight to his best friend's form. Then his brain catches up with him; specifically his auditory cortex— thank you, psychology minor— and registers what Heeseung has just said.

"Wait, what?" This isn't a good sign. Heeseung always tends to be extremely vague when he's about to make Jay do something he doesn't want to do— ex: him forcing Jay into a bug-eating contest after telling him the night before that they were going to get to eat meat for free.

"That's right. It's happening," Heeseung continues, glugging down water with alarming speed. Jay inches towards his shoes and starts to tie them, preparing to run if he needs to.

Be ready for anything, Heeseung's brother had whispered to him before scaring the living daylights out of him the next day and making him pee his pants. He had been seven, so it wasn't the end of the world, but Jay hadn't forgotten that advice since.

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