Hot Headed Explosion

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I slip on Bella's coat and hat, watching as Rosalie begrudgingly slumps into one. I finish tucking my hair under the hat and look over to Jasper who was next to Alice in the car, Bella in the back. I look over to Jasper who was staring at me already. I didn't want to go to him, then I wouldn't be able to leave him. His eyes sadden and I look to the floor before turning around and zipping up the jacket.

"Xanthia..." Esme mumbles.

"Let's just get this done." I mumble and follow Esme and Carlisle out as Rosalie and I brush into trees and places to create a scent trail for James. Laurent had come to the house to warn us of him. He's a tracker who lives for the hunt. We continue for a while when Alice calls and tell us that James caught on to our game and isn't following anymore.

"So? What now?" Rosalie asks and I look to Esme.

"We catch up with Bella." She decided and we look to each other before agreeing.


"Bella's gone!" Alice shouts through the phone as we finally get to Phoenix where Alice and Jasper had taken Bella.

"What do you mean gone!?" Edward shouts back.

"I-I don't know! She asked to go to the bathroom and then she was gone!" She shouts.

"Just find Bella." I shoot. I just want this all to be over so I can be with Jasper and the family again.

"Wait, the dance studio!" Alice shouts and the next thing I know, Edward's gone.

"Xanthia, you're the only one who can keep up with him. We need you to be there."

"I'll send a smoke signal." I reply before taking off to catch up with Edward when an image of The Torch from the Fantastic Four pops into my head.

"This'll be really cool or really disastrous." I grumble.

"What will?" Emmett asks before flames engulf my body and I jump into the air, a burst of fire propelling me further, letting me fly through the air. Every time I started dropping, I let out another burst of fire to propel me higher and farther.

"Edward! Where's the studio!?" I scream down, by this point he was far behind me.

"It's the biggest building, straight ahead." I hear his voice before pushing myself further, spotting a large building and reading the sign, I could also smell Bella's blood. Without slowing down, I let myself crash through the window and roll across the floor, my flames dying out as I slide across the waxed floor in a crouched position, glaring James down. Bella's blood hits my nose and I feel my eyes go black as I look to her leg to see it broken. I hear James chuckle, sensing my control slipping away, and I look up at him again before rising to my full height.

"Your friend came to warn us about you." I tell him casually as his smirk widens, "I don't see why though." I add in a bored tone, his head tilting to the side. "So far, all you've been able to do is break a human's bone." I smirk as his smirk fades and he drops the camera, coming for me. I let the flames engulf me as he jumps back with a hiss.

"And you're any better? Using fire and not even a one on one fight." He tries provoking me and I see the flames turn from orange to blue as I grow even madder.

"Never said I was a fair fighter." I growl out before throwing a fire ball at him, one after another but he keeps dodging, that's when Edward bursts in. "Go get everyone else." He shoots at me and I look to James before nodding and zipping out of the building and meeting up with everyone.

"This way." I lead them all into the studio to see Bella writhing, the same way I did when I was bitten. "Oh my god." I mumble as the smell of her blood infects me.

"Go handle James, Xanthia." Carlisle instructs and I nod, letting the blue flames consume me as I jump, landing on top of him as he screams. Emmett and Jasper run up so I back up and they hold him as Alice pounces and rips his head off. The boys split James in half and throw him in a pile.

"We need to burn the building down." Jasper comment, "There's too much damage, too much blood." He looks over to me and I nod hesitantly.

"Then light it up Thea." Emmett encourages and I nod, looking around but my eyes stop on Edward.

"He's sucking the venom out of her." Alice mumbles. I watch as he doesn't stop but Carlisle soothes him into stopping. Any longer any he could've killed Bella.

"Everyone out." I say as police sirens sound in the background. They look to me before leaving and once they were at a safe distance, I relinquish all control. The fire reseeded within me before bursting out in one huge explosion. I fly around the room, windows exploding from the heat and everything catching fire before I burst through the roof and it all comes crumbling down. I was hovering in the air, staring down at the Cullen's who looked up at me with no expression on their face, except Jasper.

"You can stop now." He says, stepping forward. "Everyone's safe." He assures and it was as if that was the switch that needed to be flipped. The flames stop all together and I land on the sidewalk, breaking it. I run into him as he catches me and lifts me off my feet.

"Let's get back to Forks." Esme decides and Jasper starts running with me in his arms.

"I never want to be apart from you again." He says and I clutch onto him tighter.

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