
Scott: I'm not good at explainations

Wade: ok then

Wade added Clint,tony,nat, Steve,sam, bucky and Pietro

Wade: scroll up and start explaining

Pietro: not it

Tony: not it

Steve: not it

Nat: not it

Sam: not it

Bucky: not it

Clint: not it

Scott: ykw I have someone who's good in explaining things

Scott added Luis

Scott: everyone this is Luis

Scott: Luis this is everyone

Luis: hi guys I'm Luis I'm kinda famous hahah so you might know me

Clint: you're the one who stole those smoothie machines

Luis: are you a psychic?

Clint: no I'm an archer

Luis: cool do you have an arrow that tells you stuffs and is radioactive and tells you what people are thinking and tells you stuff

Clint: ok first off, what? And second off yes I have radioactive arrows but they don't tell me what ppl are thinking or tell me stuff..

Luis: then how did yk me? Are you a wizard?

Clint: no I'm not a wizard and I just googled you ffs

Y/n: ladies ladies calm down

Y/n: ok so Scott how does Luis know

Scott: I tell him everything and he just knows stuff

Wade: omg guys fastttt

Luis:Okay. I was at a wine tasting with my cousin Ernesto. Which was mainly reds, and you know I don't like reds, man. But there was a rose that saved the day. It was delightful. And then he tells me about this girl, Emily, that we used to kick it with. It was actually the first pair of boobs I ever touched.

Tony: what does this have to do with what wade wants

Wade: it doesn't but go on

Y/n: omg yes go on

Nat: I have to go do something

Tony: why would you call brucie something

Nat: you're a dead man tony

Nat left

Tony: lmao I'm not scardjdjjsnsnd

Tony was disconnected

Luis: should we be worried?

Y/n: no this happens everyday

Steve: I have to go for a run

Steve left

Sam: I'll go follow him

Sam left

Y/n: okay so it's just me, Luis, Scott, Pietro, Peter, Clint and wade?

Peter: yea

Y/n: Luis!! continueeeeeeee

Luis: okok

Luis:So, uh, he tells me that she's working as a housekeeper now, right? And she's dating this dude, Carlos, who's a shot caller from across the bay. And she tells him about the dude that she's cleaning for. Right? That he's like this big-shot CEO, that is all retired now, but he's loaded. And so, Carlos and Ernesto are on the same softball team, and they get to talking, right? And here comes the good part. Carlos says, "Yo, man. This guy's got a big-ass safe just sitting in the basement, just chilling." Of course Ernesto comes to me because he knows I got mad thieving skills. Of course, I ask him... "Did Emily tell Carlos to tell you to get to me what kind of safe it was?" And he says, "Nah, dawg. All she said is that it's super-legit and whatever's in it it's gotta be good.

Wade: as my as I love this and I still wanna hear it.. Russel just burned his hand Dominic is just in a corner laughing so I hate to say this but get to the point

Y/n: doesn't Russell have fire hands?

Wade: yes he does and that's what so embarrassing a kid who's hands can literally produce fire burnt his hand

Luis: that's so cool

Luis: ok anyways so yk how in Tony's funeral we never saw his grave and stuffs? It was actually that he was in a coma and then y/n went to see nick and was like "yo bro ik you have Tony's body" and then nick was like "yea I do man but he's in a critical condition" and she was like "nah man I can transfer him some energy from my power or something like that" idk how your power works

Luis: and then nick was like "that's gonna kill you dawg" and she was like "that's the risk I'm willing to take homie" and then she went in the room and saw pietro's body too yk ah man it was a lovely reunion and then she yk held both their hand while they were in a coma and she got all glowy glowy and she fainted and they woke up

Clint: I'm gonna go bleach my eyes now

Clint left

Wade: wow y/n who knew you had so much power

Y/n: stfu wade

Wade: what about yk Steve and Natasha and loki

Luis: I would love to tell you but ah man I have to go Kurt keeps saying baba yaga is back so Scotty you better come too

Luis left

Scott: she's our friend now

Scott: she's ghost friend

Scott left

Pietro: what just happened

Peter: Luis happened

Y/n: ah I love Luis




Wade: metal man was here the whole time!?

Bucky: yea..

Y/n: ugh ok I'll explain the rest to you wade but privately

Y/n kicked everyone except wade
Y/n locked the chat

Y/n: ok so steve..he went to meet Scott and time travelled again and came back young again

Wade: how?

Y/n: idk I think he froze himself again or something he didn't wanna give us such a long explainations so

Wade: how did yk he was back?

Y/n: I just felt it yk my 7th sense can feel if ppl I'm close with are still I went and asked for doctor strange's help to find Steve and nat

Wade: oh yea

Wade: ok now nat

Y/n: well since yk Steve returned the stone at the exact time she jumped? So it wasn't a soul for a soul since in that moment the stone was still there so she wasn't dead... what's funny was that red skull took care of her and fed her and stuff

Wade: lmaooo but it's great to have them back

Wade: loki

Y/n: loki just came out of nowhere and started talking about a tva and a multiverse and that he messed the timeline

Wade: that's the lokiest thing

Y/n: ikr!!!!

Wade: okay so thanks y/n/n I have to go now cable and Russel had another fight

Y/n: doesn't that happen everyday?

Wade: yea!!

Y/n:. But trust me being with Sam and Bucky in the same room is worse

Wade: oh yea so now who's cap?

Y/n: it's sam..Steve is now just Steve

Wade: wow

Wade: shit Russel just threw orange juice on domino

Wade left

Y/n left

Chatroom ended

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