Chapter 3

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"'re awake" Jay said because he head no idea what he should do. "I wanted to tell you..but iwas too afraid" she whispered and looked outside the window. "Hay, its ok , I'm just so grateful that you're here and alive " he answered "Does anyone else know that I'm here" she asked and Jay saw in her eyes that she was afraid. "No,just Kim,do you want to see her?" He replied. She probably hates me so much that she doesn't even want to see me Erin thought "Maybe later" . He knew that she was afraid that everyone would hate her a lot if they knew that shes here. "Come on Erin,you might think she hates you but shes just glad that your alive, i promise." Jay said . Erin looked inside his eyes and it felt like she never left him but she did and can never make it undone. "If you think it is a great idea ok" she answered "ok,I'll come back later " he said and went to the door. "By the way, Torrey really misses you and she told me a lot about what you did the whole time. I wish you'll stay here" Jay told her and left the room.

Erin started crying she really wanted to stay in Chicago . Kim opened the door and walked towards Erin. "Hay Erin" she said . She saw that Erin was really nervous, she starred at the wall and didn't say anything. Kim knew she thought she hates her but she didn't. She hugged Erin and started crying too. "Damn ,why have you done this all.." she asked Erin and sat down next to her. "I..i don't know..i wish i could make it undone,I'm sorry.." she whispered while tears running down her face. I need to tell her she is-was my best friend Erin thought. "I was pregnant.." she broke the silence. "What..??" Kim asked a bit shocked and Erin started crying much more. "Hay it's ok.."Kim said and took her hand.

After an hour Jay came in too. "Kim we need to go Voight needs our help " he said. Kim and Jay drove back to the department. "Where were you two??" Voight asked them . "I doesn't matter ok, what's up?" Jay replied but before Voight could answer Jays phone rang . "Hay Will what's up?" He asked him "You need to come here. Now!" He explained "What happened??" Jay wanted to know and went to the common room. "The nurse wanted to look after Erin but when she entered the room Erin wasn't there, some people saw her leaving the Med. You need to find her,she'll die if you don't find her in time" Will said "What?? I'll find her" Jay replied and hang up the phone . "What's up?" Kim asked as she went to the common room too. "We need to find Erin, she left the Med. She'll die if we won't find her in time" Damn Erin what's wrong with you, it's so cold outside. Jay thought.

Erin walked through the empty streets. It was already dark and really cold. I hope he won't find me she thought. She forgot her coat in the Med and was just wearing a T-shirt and jeans. Noone were outsid ,just her. Her whole body hurted. It started snowing and she walked faster. She entered a small shop and looked in a small mirror. Her lips were already completely blue . "Are you ok?" A woman asked her . "Um..yeah sure" Erin whispered Why am I so stupid she thought. She felt so dizzy and almost collapsed. The Woman noticed that Erin felt really bad and took her arm. "Come with me,I'll help you"she said and helped Erin entering her car. "Thanks.." Erin whispered.  "I'm Nadia and you?" Nadia asked "Erin.." she was still really cold and it seems like her lips getting more blue.

They arrived at Nadias apartment and went inside. She helped Erin laying down on the couch and covered her up. "Do you want a tea or something else?" Nadia asked "A tea sounds great.." Erin replied. Nadia went to the kitchen and came back some minutes later with a cup of tea. Erin was really thankful for her help. She couldn't remember the last time as someone was nice to her. "Here,it's really hot so be careful" she said and placed the tea on the small table next to Erin. She sat down on the other couch and looked at Erin. "You're still cold right" she said after some time. "Yeah..a bit.." Erin whispered and drank a bit from the tea "It's ok, I'll be back in some minutes with warm clothes " she explained and went to a room . Nadia came back with a pullover and an other Jeans and helped her to put them on. "Thanks.." Erin said . "You should sleep, good night" Nadia said . She turned the light off and left the room.

"It's already 2 am ,what if she's already dead" Jay said while Kim drove through the city. "I'm sure she's alive, she'll probably call you later." Kim responded. "And what if she won't call me? What if she's laying dead anywhere and noone will find her?" He was so afraid to lose her forever. "She's not dead ok!" She yelled at him "You could call Nadia,she's always outside at this time,maybe she saw Erin." Kim added. Jay took his phone and called Nadia. "Hay Detective,what's up?" She said . "Hay Nadia,have you seen Erin, she has brown hair-" Jay asked "Yeah,she's at my apartment "she interrupted him "she's fine i guess. She's sleeping " Nadia added. Dammit Erin why do you do all this he thought. "I'll be there in 10 minutes "he said and hang up the phone. "She's at Nadias apartment " He explained.

Some minutes later they arrived at Nadias apartment and she opened the door. "She needed help,i didn't know that you're looking for her" she said and they went inside. Erin was still sleeping on the couch . Jay picked her up and brought her to the car. "Thanks Nadia" Kim said and went to Jay. "Should i drive to the Med?" Kim asked " No , drive to my apartment i guess that's what she wants" Jay replied and Kim drove off.As they arrived Jay brought her inside his apartment."I'll go home, if you need help you can call me every time" Kim said and left his apartment. Dammit Erin you're so stupid Jay thought and covered her up. He sat down next to her and looked at her . She looked so innocent,like she never did anything forbidden. "Good night Erin.." he whispered .

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