Chapter 1

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So much time passed by since Erin left Chicago. Since she left her friends. Since she left her familiy. She missed them all a lot but she knew she could never come back. To much happened there. For once there's Jay, she told him she'd come back soon, but that was over 2 Years ago now. She knew he hates her a lot after what she did to him. And she also knew noone wants to see her ever again in Chicago.

She got up and went to the kitchen. Her head ached a lot and she sat down. She took the bottle of whiskey and drank a bit. It tasted so good and Erin started feeling a bit better.
She knew that the alcohol isn't good for her but it numbed her pain and made her forget ,just for some hours anyway.She took her phone already knowing she don't got any messages.
She starred at the only message she got. The first message since over a month.
It was her old Highschool friend, Grace.She still lifes and Chicago and asked Erin for help.
I can't go to chicago but i have to . Maybe noone will notice that I'm there Erin thought

2 Days later
Erin left Grace's house . It was already dark and Erin walked through the empty streets, no plan where she can go . She decided to go to hers and Jays old favorite place. She put her arms on the railing and looked down the city. The city where she once lived. She started crying.
I wish Jay would be here Erin thought. She remembered the time where she came here with Jay every day after work if they wanted to be alone . This memory's hurted so much and she wished she had any alcohol with her. "Why did left everyone " she whispered and cried much more.

Jay walked through the city . He thought about to call Erin but he was sure she wouldn't answer again like all the times he tried. He decided to go to a place where he always was with Erin.
He put his arms on the railing and remembered the time with Erin. Why did he left him? Why is she ignoring him? He just wanted any answers . He noticed the woman standing a bit further on the bridge. Jay saw she's crying.He walked up to her . "It's an amazing place here right" he said

Erin heard this familiar voice and noticed the man standing next to her. "Jay?" She asked and turned around slowly. She didn't know what she should say or what she should do . Erin just looked in Jays eyes and wiped her tears away. "Erin?? What are you doing here?" He asked her
" i don't really know ." She answered and starred at the ground.
"Really Erin? You left us all here! You said you'll be back soon but didn't even answered a message from anyone here! Since 2 damn years!"he yelled at her "Jay..I'm sorry ok I never planned to stay away so long ok . I wanted coming back " she tried to explain but Jay didn't care at all "Thats not an excuse Erin! I was waiting for you every freaking day ok! Why you didn't even answered one damn call?! I don't care what you did ok but just go away!" He yelled

Erin started crying and turned around. Jay watched after her while she went anywhere where he never has to see her again. Out of the dark he saw a van began to gain speed but he didn't cared about it a d just looked down the bridge again.This dark van kept on speeding and Erin didn't care about the van either. The windows were down and the van stopped briefly a bit ahead of the woman walking down the dark road. They knew who she was . They knew where she lived. They knew everything about her. Two shots were fired.Jay turned around to the familiar sound. He watched as Erin fell to the ground clutching her side. Her head and body hit the ground and the van sped off. "No!Erin!No!" He screamed as he ran after her

He got to her and knelt next to Erin. She was so scared,he saw it inside her eyes . Her breathing became erratic , she wasn't able to control it . He opened her coat and saw the blood spills onto the sidewalk . "Someone call an ambulance!" He shouted . A large group of bystanders fromed
"Jay" he heard Erin whispering . Jay kept his hands pressed against the wound . "It hurts so much " she wheezed "You're going to be ok Erin.Don't talk ok. Helps is coming soon,just hang in there" he said. He couldn't looser her like this . He rather haven't seen her another two years than loose her forever. Erin's eye lids slowly felt heavy and they began to swoop down. "Hay! Don't close your eyes Erin. Look at me, i need to see your eyes" he said in attempt to keep her awake.But they fully shut. He spoke again without thinking for the second time that night, "come on babe, open this beautiful eyes , i missed them so much. Come on , don't do this to me"

Those words lured Erin back from the darkness. "If there is something you want to confess , a murder maybe , now might be the right time" Jay tried to joke. "It..was really nice..seeing you ..again.."she whispered between coughs. As she coughed a small amount of blood appeared on her mouth and her lips. "Go my apartment ..the on'm..sorry.." Erin said before she coughed again. She knew that this could be the end, she knew that he knew it too. Erin slowly raised her arm and placed her open hand on his face. " you.." Then her eyes were shut and her arm felt down to her side. "No! Erin ! Don't give up!" He screamed .

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