Chapter 2

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Waverly rang the doorbell. No answer. She waited a few moments, ringing it again in case Nicole hadn't heard it the first time. Nicole opened the door, phone to her ear, talking. She motioned to Waverly to come in.

"Yes, got it. I'll check it out. See you later."

She pointed to the lounge. "Sorry, business. Nearly ready. Take a seat. Just have to find my trainers."

Nicole had jeans on and a figure-hugging T-shirt, not the clothes you would wear to a gym. She left Waverly in the lounge while she went to find her trainers. The lounge was a similar size to Champ's. Waverly wondered why Nicole had chosen to rent this apartment rather than something smaller. A few minutes later, Nicole returned wearing black, cropped leggings, black sports bra and a white vest top. She was attempting to pull on a trainer, hopping across the room in the process. Waverly watched in amusement. There was something intriguing about this woman.

The walk to the gym was at a brisk pace. They didn't have much time before class started. Waverly booked Nicole in and they joined a busy class. So many women doing exercise in the daytime, while their partners presumably worked. Nicole was a natural. She clearly had done yoga before and followed the teacher effortlessly. Waverly could see her eyeing up everyone. Nicole smiled at one attractive woman, who smiled back. Waverly put this down to her being American, friendlier than the British when it came to socialising in exercise classes.

After the class had finished, Waverly stopped at the reception desk, checking on space in other classes. She turned to see where Nicole was. She was talking with the attractive woman. Waverly saw them swapping phone numbers. Her first thought: Nicole is a fast worker when it comes to getting what she wants. Her second thought: this girl's got taste when it comes to beautiful things.

Nicole joined her at the desk.

"Do you fancy grabbing lunch?"

"Sure. There's a bar near here. Does a mean salad."

Waverly winked at the attractive woman as she passed, who looked decidedly confused.

The bar was quiet when they entered. It had a terrace overlooking the Thames. A cool breeze swept across the outside area making it pleasant to sit out. They chose a table nearest to the river, scanning the menus.

"I normally have a liquid lunch," Waverly laughed, noting the confused look on Nicole's face.

"We Brits have a reputation to maintain."

"Oh. Oh, right...yes, you do like to drink...a lot."

Waverly took Nicole's food and drink order and headed to the bar. She returned with two large glasses of Pinot Grigio.

Nicole took a glass from Waverly. "But, I ordered diet coke?"

"I know. But, when in Rome. Bottoms up."

Nicole laughed. She liked her new neighbour.

The conversation was light. Waverly explained she was in between jobs, failing to mention the reason for the departure from her last one. Nicole explained she was in London to research an item that would be coming up for sale. Her client was paying for her stay, provided the piece was secured for him. Waverly was intrigued.

"How did you get into this line of work?"

"My father. Loved antiques. The older the better. I worked with him until I was able to go it alone."

"Do you travel a lot with the job?"

"Yes. Part of the downside. I need to keep moving, to be where the art takes me."

Waverly was impressed. What she would give to have a job like Nicole's. Living out of a suitcase, chasing the next sale. Little did she know what Nicole was telling her was but a play on words to hide what she really did for a living. It's not something that immediately springs to mind when looking at someone as beautiful as Nicole.

International thief, wanted in several countries.

A waiter arrived with their salads. The terrace was filling up, people out enjoying a sunny London afternoon. Waverly wasn't bored any longer.

Nicole took another sip of her wine.

"Do you fancy coming to a gallery with me tomorrow?"

"OK. Why not. Can't remember the last time I visited a gallery. School I think. Which one?"

"Tate Modern. I'm aiming to get there just before lunch. Is that OK?"

"Perfect. Could do another liquid lunch." Waverly winked, realising she was giving the impression of being an alcoholic.

They strolled back to the apartment block. As they exited the lift on the 4th floor, Waverly could see a man leaning against Nicole's door. He was older, had a bushy moustache only an American would wear. He was typing something on this phone. He looked up as they approached.

He seemed annoyed at Nicole for whatever reason. "Where have you been?"

"Out. You're early."

Waverly hovered, not knowing if she was going to be invited into Nicole's flat, or left at the door. She was left at the door. Nicole said she would call for her just after 11am, if that suited. It was perfect for Waverly.

She sat on the balcony trying to figure out Nicole. Was she, or wasn't she? From what she had seen in the gym, she would have to say yes. Although, the man she had let into her flat definitely looked like boyfriend material. So, maybe she wasn't. There was definitely something intriguing about this woman.

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