Chapter 31

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(Phil's POV)
The doctor's face stretched into a smile,
"Got you! Dan's doing very well. He's a warrior, you know? He was in critical condition and he fought through it. That's a survivor for you."

I swallowed the harsh words that I wanted to spat at the doctor for making us believe something bad happened. That's just un-professional.

"Thank you very very much, doc." Mrs. Howell said and hugged the doctor. He stayed professional but he patted her back.

Everyone seemed very cheery and happy.

"Mrs. Howell, can we speak to you?" The doctor said, referencing the nurses and him.

She nodded and they left down the corridor.

I called Pj, Chris, Dani, and Hayley and told each of them that Dan woke up from his coma and was doing great.

I sat back down next to my mom.

I turned to her and asked, "Can I have some money to get Dan something from the gift shop."

Mum nodded and handed me £20 and I thanked her and went down the lift to the lobby.

I walked into the small gift shop and saw a bunch of 'get better soon!' balloons and stuffed animals but I decided against getting him one because I didn't want to remind him that he's stuck in a creepy hospital.

I ended up getting him a stuffed Dolphin and a bag of maltesers. I wasn't sure if patients were allowed to eat candy while under doctor's care but I assumed so since you could buy them in the gift shop.

I paid for the gifs and the lady working there even put it in gift bags with a ribbon on it. I walk out of the shop and I notice an old man struggling to hold a bunch of balloons and bags in his hand.

He falls and the bags sprawl across the floor and I rushed over to him and helped pick up the bags.

"Would you like some help carrying all this?"

"That would be very nice. I bought these for my wife."

"Okay. What floor is she on?"

"Floor twelve."

We walked into the elevator and I pushed number twelve.

When the elevator stops, I walked out and followed behind him and I could tell by the way he walked through the corridors and the nurses greeted him that he came here often.

He ended up stopping at a room and I followed him inside. A very thin, sickly, old woman lied on the hospital bed. I could tell from her face though that she must've been beautiful at a younger age.

"That's my one in a billion." I smiled as I looked up at him and my breath caught in my throat.

I was no longer seeing a gray haired man with wrinkles. The face was morphing into floppy brown hair and brown eyes. I closed my eyes and shook my head.

But when I opened my eyes again all I saw was the look Dan gave me at the beach in my "dream"

I looked away and took some deep breaths and when I finally looked back it was the old man again.

"Hello?" He asked snapping his fingers.

"Oh sorry about that. I zoned out." I went over to the woman's table and set the bags down.

I did a quick prayer for her and walked back over to the man.

He held his hand out and I shook it.

"Thanks so much, young man. I'm Jim by the way."

"Phil." I smiled.

"See you around?"

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