Chapter 3 - Rants and Jerseys

Start from the beginning

"Um, I was planning too why?"

"We need to get you a jersey" he smiled

"A jersey?"

"Yeah, Alex and I already handed ours out though."

"Why do I need a jersey?"

"You're the new girl, It'll help you fit in, don't worry. AY YO Daniel?"

"WHAT!" Daniel yelled from down the field where Alex and Eric were wrestling with him.

"You got your jersey with you?" Dylan said smirking

"Um, yeah why," he said as he jogged over.

"Kate needs one."

"Oh, ok," he said before fishing through his pack and pulling out the jersey "Here ya go" he tossed it in my face before jogging back off to Eric and Alex.

I narrowed my eyes at the look of accomplishment on Dylan's face. "What are you up to,"

"Don't worry about it," he said before jogging over to the other boys.


"Faster Damnit, Daniel your not going fast enough, Come ON!" Daniel's Dad yelled as soon as the halfback had the ball in possession. Daniel was the Fullback for the team which meant he had to protect the halfback from being tackled when he had the ball. We were 4 rows back from Daniel's dad but he was still so loud we could hear him over the cheering crowd.

I have to say, I've never been one for football but Daniel is talented and I can see why his dad wants him to go pro. He's a lot faster than everyone else out there and seems to be holding back so he can continue to keep the halfback safe. What I don't understand is why his dad is yelling at him to go faster, he's not the one who is supposed to set the pace, right?. Maybe I've got this all wrong and I'm missing something.

"TouchDOWN!!" the crowd screamed as Alex passed the ball back to David (the quarterback) who made the winning touchdown.

I went to the bathroom after all the players headed to the showers and ended up getting stuck in a line but once I had finally relieved myself Oliver who is the kicker on the JV team and I ran down to congratulate the guys.

When we got their both Alex and Dylan had girls on their arms, the same girls who were wearing their jerseys tonight. I think their names are Kyla and Cristen but I could be wrong. David has Ella on his back and is smiling like an idiot. Eric has an arm around his sister Sadie and they were all swarmed with the other students here to congratulate the players.

I noticed a trend of girls who wore the guy's jerseys seeming to be girls that were important to the player. Ella wore Davids, Sadie wore Eric's the girls that wore the twin's jerseys are regular hookups and that seemed to be the trend for all the guys on the team.

"That was an awesome game, you guys did really good," I said to them all as we approached

"Thanks, Kate, we were pretty evenly matched so it was a really fun game to play in," Daniel said. He swung an arm around my shoulder and said "everyone ready for the after-party? who needs a ride."

"I think I do, I have a feeling mine and Oliver's seats have been taken," I laughed over at the girls already making out with their respective twins.

"no problem, I've got room. Anyone else?"

"Nah I think where good. let's go" Eric said

The party was at some at one of the other senior's houses. I really didn't want to go, ever since my ex I don't like going to parties. Not that I particularly like them before but now I'm just hyperaware of everything going on and can't have fun. I used to get myself in some trouble at parties, the fun kind that is but now I'm just constantly on high alert.

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