Part 1 - Introduction

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The Impala screeches to a halt in front of an old warehouse surrounded by a dark pine forest. Sam and Dean swing their doors open without a word and rush around to the trunk. You sit in the back for a moment, enjoying the old feel of Dean's leather seats. You know this hunt will be hard, a challenge compared to all the other monsters you've hunted since being with the Winchesters. A couple years now, back then they saved you from becoming a vampire. Why they took you in wasn't clear, except that you knew how to handle yourself in a fight. You breathe in a deep sigh; the familiar spice, leather, and whiskey scent of the Impala slips into your lungs along with a hint of pine from outside.

"Coming, (Y/N)?" Dean calls as he loads his shotgun.

"Yeah," you reply casually, snapping out of your empty state.

You push the car door open to step outside and accept the shotgun Dean hands you. You load it automatically. You double check to make sure you still have the angel blade Cas recently gave you (you don't think it'll kill the creature you're after, but you still always have it just in case angels come along.) Ever since you've been around to accept and offer help with the wanted angel, you've been on "angel radar" as Sam puts it. Sam and Dean explained that once you're a significant ally of Castiel, like them, you become a target of Heaven.

However, Cas hasn't been heard from lately so you and the Winchesters have been quite worried, notably Dean. It's hard to suppress your feelings of envy towards the two; the angel is like a black hole for your affectionate emotions (sucking them up and tossing them who knows where). Whether or not Castiel knows this you don't know, yet you don't really care as long as he and Dean are happy and that's all that matters (on a good day).

"Ready?" Sam looks expectantly at you. It gets harder and harder to see every few moments for the sun is setting fast. You never told the boys that your night vision is crap because who knows, maybe they'd stop letting you go on hunts with them; and who wouldn't want to hunt alongside the Winchesters?

"Yeah," you reply. "So what's the plan?" you ask, glancing back and forth between them.

"Well, this is a Trickster we're talkin' about," Dean explains to you and Sam, "so we don't know what to expect. I suggest we all stick together for now and scope out the area." He glances at Sam and adds, "Let's hope this son of a bitch doesn't flip us into TV land again, or worse."

Dean notices your puzzled (Y/E/C) look and adds with a dismissive hand, "Don't ask. Anyway," he holds up a wooden stake dipped in sticky maroon blood, "make sure you guys have your weapons..."

Both you and Sam pull your jackets open to reveal similar stakes nestled within your hidden pockets. Dean nods and you and the "moose" relax your jackets once more to follow him to the warehouse, Dean being in the lead and Sam right behind you.

Your hands hides under your rough jacket, slightly touching the stake in anticipation.

You all snake along the side of the building to a door illuminated by a flickering light hovering above it. All three of you are silent as Dean's hand slowly reaches for the doorknob. He silently turns it and the door clicks open.

Unlocked? you think. Strange.

The focused hunter motions for Sam and you to stay put as he investigates. You let out a nod as Sam anxiously peers into the trees around you. The atmosphere is unsettling, the pines seeming to eerily drift closer through the fog they are submerged in.

You look up at Sam uncertainly and he gazes back into your eyes. You let out an awkward crooked smile. He returns it in the same manner--but Dean breaks the moment with a whisper, "Will you two lovebirds quiet the romantics and focus? C'mon!" he gestures for you to follow him.

Sam lets out a quick side smile and cocks his head, as if to say, "Ah well. Next time." You grin and follow his brother into the dark warehouse.

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