New Friends. | 3 |

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"Fucking Hell...!"

I scream this after my foot decided to commit side character and ram itself into a flight of stairs. My parents hear this and come running, not out of worry, but because I was "too loud." and, "screaming obscenities I don't want in this household." Eh, whatever.

After getting a slap to the face and a brief talking to from my parents, I slip on a light jacket, some gloves, and a blue scarf then I head out. This time around I decide to take a bit of a detour so I can buy bread and tea. I pull up my scarf with a slight scowl, its better if I'm not recognized, anyway, as I walk down the brick pathway I pass a little coffee shop, I wanted tea but, perhaps Emilia would enjoy a hot coffee. I walk into the coffee shop, infront of me there is a girl with long black hair, wearing similar attire to myself, a scarf, a light jacket, some gloves, and light sweat pants, perhaps this person is like me. I find myself staring at this girl, trying to figure out her demeanor.

"Hey! Hotshot, you gonna order somethin' or are ya gonna just keep the line waiting?" I blink a few times at the remark, and realize I'm at the front of the line, "uhm, could I get a light coffee with two coins size of sugar?" The cashier nods and I walk off to find a seat and wait. I find a small round table, big enough to fit one person, and wait for my order. I scanned the building, subconsciously searching for the girl. Once I found her sitting st a table like my own, my eyes didn't leave until my order was called out. I walked to the counter, payed for said drink and walked outside, continuing on my way. The bakery was as it normal was, or to say, it was not busy at all, I bought a croissant for myself, and a muffin for Emilia. As I left the bakery I said my goodbyes to the person working st the counter whom I know quite well, and turn back to walk out the do-


"Ow... that hurt like a bitch..." I say as I open my eyes to see my drink, somehow still intact, and my bread items which are now on the floor, and in front of it all, a girl wearing a scarf, a light jacket, gloves, and sweatpants like my own. This girl has blue eyes that sparkled like the setting sun on the ocean, and her glasses were round, making her eyes seem bigger. I blinked a few times and looked away, embarrassed for not looking out for my surroundings, "I am so sorry, I didnt see you there, did you drop anything? Are you alright?" She stood up and dusted off her clothes, "Im fine, what about you? Are you alright?" I nodded briefly whilst picking up my fallen food, once all the food was picked up, I stood up and turned to face the girl, who was noticeably shorter than myself. "Yeah I'm sorry about that, I should've been paying attention to where I was going."
She just looked at me with those bright blue eyes, and said in a sort of joyful tone, "No you're fine, I wasnt watching where I was going either, hehe...  uhm, My name is Astoria, Nice to meet you."
I looked to the side, already embarrassed by what had just happened. "Likewise, My name's Y/N."

After a few minutes of chatter, I took a look outside and noticed the sky was getting brighter, meaning if I didn't leave now, I'd be later than my usual meeting time with Emilia, I dont want to leave her waiting now do I? "Hey, its uhm, been nice talking to you, but I kinda gotta go, bye Astoria, It was good meeting you." I walked quickly put of the bakery, clutching the still hot coffee and the basket i put my bread item into.

Once I made it into the forest, I knew exactly which path to take, this wasn't my first rodeo. After a little walking, I found a familiar tree cabin. I walked up to the door, hearing some crashes and sounds that were clearly pans falling onto the floor as I knock on the door. After about a minute Emilia opens the door with a smile, "Hey Y/N! You're later than usual today." She held the door open to let me walk inside, and as I do, I say, "Yeah sorry, I got caught up in a conversation that lasted way to long." She closed the door and smiled at me. "Its no problem" I looked at her sparkling amethyst eyes and thought, 'Why is she so cute?' I shake my head a little and get back to what I was meaning to do, I pulled out the muffin from my basket and gave it to Emilia, she questioned what it was, and I told her, "It's a breakfast item that usually has some sort of fruit in it, I got you a strawberry one, I hope you like it." As I told her this I pulled out my croissant and, placed the coffee I got for her onto a small table. Emilia tells me all about her day, and I listen carefully, making sure to hold onto every little thing. Later into her summary of her day, she goes sort of quiet, "Whats wrong Emilia-tan?" She looks up at me with some tears in her eyes and says, "I helped a family escape a bear today, but when they saw me... they thought I was the witch and ran off screaming...." more tears fell from her eyes, I hug Emilia tightly, I could feel her sobbing quietly into my shoulder, I move away a little to get her to look up at me, "Emilia. I'm so sorry you were treated that way, it's horrible that they did that to you..." after I say this nobody says a word. Everything is quiet, our faces inch closer to one another, until, our lips... Are touching.

YOOOOOOOOOOOO, Y/N finally scoring some points in the game of life, and who is this Astoria? Hmmm find out next time ON DRAGON BA- naw im joking, anyways, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, we made it over 1000 words today, I apologize for the long ass wait, ill update my Ruka story sometime before 2022 lol. But, that'll be all from me, さよなら!

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