Mr. Tag and The Toad

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Seungmin enters the coffee shop while searching for his tall friend. He thinks he hasn't seen Youngtaek in person for three months already. Damn he misses his best friend. He hears a little commotion from one of the corners of the coffee shop. Ah, it must be his best friend over there.

He walks to the corner where he hears the little commotion. And true to his guess, there Youngtaek is already sitting with his husband, Jibeom.

"Oh My God leave me alone, you toad!" Youngtaek folding his arms in front of his chest while pouting cutely.

"Nope can do Mr. Taaaag!" Jibeom answers annoyingly while making a face to his husband.

Seungmin chuckles while witnessing their interaction. He misses these idiotic couple.

"Hey lovebirds, quit your loving quarrel, okay? People try to have a coffee in peace here."

"Seungminieeeeee! Oh my God, I miss you much!" Youngtaek sulky face immediately lights up like a christmas tree seeing Seungmin's face.

Youngtaek bounces up and down in his seat while making a grabby hand toward Seungmin. Seungmin immediately walks forward and hugs Youngtaek in his seat. He eyes Youngtaek in wonder.

"Wow Youngtaek, you look... '' Seungmin catches Jibeom's frantic gesture in the corner of his eye. Jibeom crosses his hands while making a panicky face. Fortunately, Seungmin understands Jibeom signal and hastily changes the word in the tip of his tongue " good".

"Oh Seungmin, you look good yourself, thank you." Youngtaek beams at his best friend.

Jibeom sighs and thanks God that Seungmin understands his signal.

"Hey Seungmin, where is Jaehyun?" now is Jibeom's turn to shake hand with Seungmin.

"He will be a little late. his meeting took longer than his prediction."

They have been best friends since their high school days. They used to form an emo band because they had nothing better to do in high school. Seungmin was the vocalist, Youngtaek played the drum, Jibeom played the guitar, and his boyfriend, Jaehyun, played the bass.

Surprisingly, their band got a little popular after Youngtaek uploaded their performance to YouTube as Mr. Tag. They were invited to some television program dubbed as young promising stars. But their fame naturally died down after two years because none of them wanted to pursue the band professionally. Except for Youngtaek, who pursues his dream as a lyricist.

They remain best friends after graduating high school even though none of their paths cross each other. Jibeom pursues his dream to be a novelist and now he is the rising hot author who always has his novel sold out within a week. Jaehyun continues his family business in the retail industry and Seungmin is a kindergarten teacher in training.

They became so close after a lot of hardship in their band era. But what made them even closer is their complicated relationship.

Youngtaek and Jaehyun used to be boyfriend in middle school (they attended the same school). But they broke up after only three months because apparently Youngtaek get bored of relationship easily. He kept on changing partners through their high school years. Meanwhile, Youngtaek and Jibeom kept at each other's throat at all times. They were fighting on a daily basis so Jaehyun and Seungmin got so used to their bickering.

So when Youngtaek and Jibeom announced that they are an official couple a little after their job seeking period, Seungmin and Jaehyun feels a mixed feeling of surprise and knowing at the same time. Apparently, Jibeom have always been in love with Youngtaek. He kept on riled Youngtaek up in their high school year because he was an idiot. And the fact that Youngtaek kept on changing his partner at a bullet speed didn't help either.

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