But who would be surprised?

The reason she was the Guardian I'm the first place was because she screwed up and led Hawkmoth right to Master Fu.

Oh, Kwami.


Marinette snapped back into focus at Tikki's yelling.

"What?" Marinette's voice cracked.

"It's going to be okay, Plagg is probably off eating cheese. He probably found a pantry to raid and is stuffing himself."


"No. You are going to go to sleep. You still have school tomorrow, remember?" Tikki said, grabbing Marinette's hand in her sink paw and leading her dazed Chosen to bed.

Marinette was still panicking when Tikki pulled the covers up to her chin.

She was still panicking when Tikki turned off the lights.

She was still panicking in her dreams as she fell asleep.


It wasn't a surprise to wake up to an empty couch.

What was a surprise was what the hero had left behind.

A small wooden box with red markings.

A Miraculous box.

Which meant that Ladybug left Chloé a Miraculous.

But why?

Why would Chloé deserve a Miraculous?

She wasn't a good person, worthy of wielding a powerful jewel to defeat evil.

In fact, she was the complete opposite.

Chloé was a terrible person. She hurt her classmates and her family.

She was spoiled, awful, abhorrent.

You know, Chloé, you're really nice, if only you let others see that

Ladybug believed in her.

She believed Chloé could be--was--a good person at heart.

So she opened the box.

But it wasn't Pollen who flew out.

It was a black, cat-like creature.

"Do you have any cheese, that stuff you got last night was really good."

Chloé gaped.

She had a million questions.

Why this Kwami?

Why not Pollen?

Who was this Kwami?

Was he Chat Noir's Kwami?

Instead of asking the important questions, all that came out was, "Cheese?"

Her voice was quiet and cracked.

The Kwami looked mildly annoyed.

"Yeah, you know, the delicious yumminess that is gooey goodness?"

"I--why?" Chloé asked, scooching closer to get a better oil at the strange Kwami.

"I'm hungry, kid. Get me cheese."

"But what's your name? Why did Ladybug leave you for me?" Chloé was slowly becoming more frantic.




Chloé ordered cheese.

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