Chapter Forty-Seven

Depuis le début

"It's okay. Let's get him into the palace where he'll be more comfortable," I soothed.

I helped her to her feet as Valen rose Artemis off of the ground. She didn't seem to notice that she was being moved, but her body went along willingly.

Valen approached his brother and put his arms under his leg and head and lifted. 

I heard him grunt under Von's weight, but he shifted him once as carefully as he could and nodded toward the palace.

Once we were inside, I directed our group to where my father's study had once been. I opened the large mahogany doors and went to the fire place. 

Valen carefully laid Von onto one of the plush white couches and put a pillow under his head. I looked toward the wood and closed my eyes while opening my palm in it's direction.

I could feel my hand begin to heat and darkness swirled in my brain, but I quickly opened my eyes and ignited a fire for warmth. I immediately dropped my hand when I was done and the darkness subsided.

Valen smiled at me approvingly and I gave him a shy smile in return. I wasn't used to being able to control the dark, yet. 

"Aislinn, in the room down the hall and to the left there should be some wash cloths. Please bring a bowl of warm water and a few cloths. Artemis knows where they stored the herbs and salves on this floor, take her with you and bring back whatever you think is useful. Valen and I will watch over Von for a moment and make sure he's comfortable," I gently commanded. 

Aislinn wiped her face and nodded, but still wouldn't meet my eyes. I must have really scared her on the battlefield.

I sighed. 

"What's the matter?" Valen asked. 

"I'm not sure exactly what Aislinn saw of me out there, but she's terrified of me now. She's one of my best friends. I don't want to lose her."

I opened one of the large closets and pulled out a light blanket to drape over Von. He was still shivering and sweating and his face looked paler than before. 

"I'm sure she'll come around. She's probably just in shock," he soothed. 

"I hope you're right." 

Aislinn and Artemis reentered the room with their arms full of various items. I moved out of their way and let them set up a small healing station in front of Von.

Artemis began to peel his shirt off and Valen helped her roll him over so Aislinn could dress the wound in his back. I gasped at the sight of it. 

There was a three inch slit in his back, The skin around it was beginning to blacken. A little further from the wound, the skin was red and angry with purple blotches.

Aislinn dipped a wash cloth in the bowl in the water and gently wiped away some dry blood. Von groaned when the cloth touched his back and tears fell from Artemis's eyes once again. 

"What can I do to help?" I pleaded with Aislinn. She looked at me and sighed. 

"Hand me the brown bottle over there," she said while pointing to it.

I grabbed it quickly and uncorked it before handing it to her. My palms were itching to touch Von's wound.

In fact, my hands almost burned at the thought. I quickly dropped them back to my side and watched as Aislinn applied some of the ointment in the bottle to the wound. Von jerked violently away from it. 

"I know it hurts, but we have to do it," Aislinn muttered as she continued.

Once she was done, she took some gauze and pressed it gently to the cut. She taped it on and glanced back at her work. 

"This is all I can do for now. In an hour I can give him more medicine for the pain. But for now, we have to just wait."

Her face looked weary and her shoulders slumped. I glanced at everyone else and saw that they mirrored her worn out state. 

"Why don't you guys get some rest? I can watch him. I'll wake you if anything changes." 

Artemis nodded at me gratefully and lowered herself into a chair in the corner of the room. Her eyes closed immediately and her breathing soon evened out. 

"Are you sure?" Aislinn asked me. I sighed. 

"I wasn't myself when you saw me last, Aislinn. I am now. I can do this. Get some sleep. You'll be a better help to him if you're well rested." 

She pursed her lips but nodded her head and made her way to the other open sofa in the room.

She turned her back to us and curled into a ball and soon fell asleep. Valen came over to me and planted a kiss on my forehead. 

"If you need anything, wake me immediately." 

I nodded my head at him and he slumped into my father's old chair and quickly fell asleep as well.

I let out a sigh and turned to Von. I watched him sleep for a few moments before I moved closer to him. 

"Do it," Sienna whispered in my ear. 

"I've never done it before, Si. What if something goes wrong?" 

"Selene granted you this gift. She wouldn't have done that if she wasn't sure. I know you can do it," she encouraged. 

I sighed and raised my palms toward Von's back and took a deep breath. I paused to listen and make sure everyone was sleep before I leaned forward and whispered in Von's ear. 

"I'm going to make it all okay. Just hang on for a little longer." 

My palms were burning again with an insatiable need to touch the wound on his back. I gently placed my open hand on it and closed my eyes. 

Author's Note: 

Will Von be okay? Will Indigo help him or hurt him? What is this new gift that she was given? Only a few more chapters and an epilogue and we will be finished with the story!

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