Chapter Two: You Care?!

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(I'm alive.)

Skylar POV:

I skated down the cracked sidewalk as people enjoyed the cool weather. The stands had just opened and the lovely smell of fried chicken and Chinese food filled the air, making my stomach growl harshly.

I checked my pocket and realized I conveniently had twenty bucks on me, so I turned and rolled over to get some lunch. I decided on chinese mainly because I never get it, and it smells amazing.

Music played softly over my headphones, making me nod my head as I waited in line. To my left there was a group of teenagers around my age, two guys and two girls. Out of my peripheral vision I could see that they were eyeing me and scanning my body, but before I could perceive what was happening it was my turn to order.

"Hi! Welcome to Hoy Wok's Chinese Shore Restaurant, what can I get you?" A young man around 15 asked.

"Hi um, I think I'm just gonna get some chicken lo mein." I replied, smiling warmly.

"Chicken Lo Mein coming up!" He said cheerfully.

I handed him my money and stood to the side to wait for my lunch. Unfortunately that group from before was standing nearby and I could clearly hear them talking about me.

"Isn't that Ariana Grande's sister?" One of the guys asked.

"Yeah, I think her name is Skylar." A girl said.


"She's kinda ugly." The second guy said.

I raised an eyebrow.


That's all you have to say?

"I heard that she had sex with some rando when she was 13, what a slut." The second girl said, shaking her head.

There's the insult.

"Don't jump to conclusions, I'm sure she's not that bad." The first girl scolded.

"Jessica, she's literally sisters with the biggest pop star ever and I have never seen her on any paper or anything. She's totally rebellious or whatever."

"Maybe she just doesn't want to be seen?"

"Why wouldn't she? It's Ariana Grande!"

"That might be the reason, she doesn't wanna be involved."

As I was listening to their whole conversation my head dropped lower and lower. This is what I mean when I say people hate me. They don't even try to know me, they just assume I'm a bitch cause I'm never seen with Ariana.

Yet another reason for me to hate my overly popular and stupidly talented sister.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when my name was called for my food, even though I never told them my name. I smiled at the workers, took my box, and was about to skate away when I saw a bright flash.


I rolled my eyes and quickly left the docking area as a guy with a camera snapped pictures of me. After a few minutes I made it to my front door, taking note that my mom's car was gone.

"Maybe she went shopping with the other two." I mumbled hopefully to myself.

I inserted my key into the lock and entered the house. I closed the door behind me and set my food down on the ground while I took my skates off. The sound of a movie playing made me look up towards the living room.

I grabbed my food and walked to the kitchen, where I passed Ariana watching The Babadook on the flatscreen. I scooped some of my food into a bowl and grabbed a spoon before sitting down on the corner of the couch, as far as I could get from her.

I didn't have anything else to do and I myself like horror movies, especially old thrillers, so I decided to just watch it with her. We sat in silence, bar my quiet chewing and the occasional scream from Amelia.

"How was skating?" Ariana asked, catching me off guard.

I swallowed my chicken and played with my noodles, remembering those teenagers.

"It was fine."

"Just fine?"

I snapped my eyes to her, noticing she was staring at the movie trying not to look at me.

"Didn't I say it was fine?" I said through gritted teeth.

She met my eyes and frowned slightly.

"Yeah, but I feel like-"

"You feel? Since when do you feel anything for me? Last time I checked you didn't care that you had a younger sister."

Her face changed to an expression I couldn't quite read; it seemed sad. Her eyes became glossy and I watched as she started to silently cry to herself while she watched the movie.

I rolled my own eyes and debated on leaving her to be by herself, which is what I should've done. But for some reason I couldn't walk away, it's like my body was telling me to comfort her.

She has never shown me any affection my entire life and I have never cared for her in any way shape or form, yet I still feel like I needed to say something to her.

"Ariana stop." I muttered, standing up to walk over to her.

She sniffled harshly and watched as I sat down next to her and held out my hand. To my surprise, she took it.

"I can't forgive you for what you did, and I really really hate you for it, but I'm not gonna end up like you." I said, rubbing my thumb on her knuckles.

She wiped her tear stained face and leaned over to kiss my forehead, which for some reason I accepted.

"I'm so fucking sorry for what I did, and I know you won't ever forgive me, but please realize that I changed. I wanna save this relationship and build up a new bond with us."

She rested her head on mine and wrapped her arm around my shoulders, making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

"And for the record, I do want a little sister. Hell, I begged for you as a birthday present. Please know that I love you."

I felt a tear slide down my cheek and splatter on my hand, making me aware of my own crying. The next thing I know I'm sobbing uncontrollably into her shirt.

She held me close and rubbed my spine, coaxing me to let it all out. Soon I stopped and leaned into her warm touch, finally feeling happy for once in my life.

This is for the people looking for my imagines. 

I've been SOOOOO busy and I know I keep saying it but it's been bad. I can't find time to write and I can't actually find motivation to write. I think that why I can't seem to write is because it's just me working for no reward. It's the same over and over again and I just keep giving up. 

I won't leave, not for a long time. But I won't have a schedule like I used to. I'll write when I feel like it and I hope you understand.

Thank you <3

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