Chapter fiteen// Hot Chocolate

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SPENCER AND I RAN AROUND THE APARTMENT IN OUR SOCKS. The floor had recently been mopped and so was just slippy enough for us to slide around as we ran, Spencer chasing me. Laughs escaped both of our mouths with our lips enlarged in smiles.

My hands gripped the edge of the kitchen island, facing off with Spencer who stood on the other side. I panted lightly before taking off again and running further into the living area.

Spencer followed, soon catching up and his arms wrapped around my waist. He lifted me off the floor slightly and I lifted my legs higher in the air, curling them into myself as I squealed.

He dropped me onto the sofa, his body following. Spencer caught himself with his hands either side of my head, the veins in his arms becoming more prominent with his sleeves rolled up.

Spencer's top button was undone, his blazer was placed on the coffee table neatly and his battered converse waited by the door with my shoes. He wore bright red socks with yellow polka dots on them. His shirt was also untucked from his trousers and his hair was sort of crazy from his position above me and running around.

Gradually, I propped myself up on my arms and moved my face closer to his. Spencer's face copied, our eyes going to each other's lips.

"You're vulnerable, Lillia." He whispered as our lips were mere inches away.

"And you make me feel quite the opposite." I responded just as quietly, our chests touching as we both panted quietly.

As our noses brushed up on one another's, someone knocked on the door before Morgan, Prentiss and JJ entered.

Spencer hurriedly pushed himself away from me as we both sat up and he did up his top button and tried to tuck his shirt in as well as possible.

Morgan's eyes were wide with raised eyebrows and a matching smirk whilst the two women shared a knowing look.

"Are we interrupting?"JJ asked, clearly knowing they were.

"No." Both Spencer and I said at the same time whilst shaking our heads.

Prentiss nodded slowly with a slight smile. "Okay." She dragged our the 'y'. "Well, Hotch wants you guys at the station."

"Mr Colson just admitted to helping Daniel escape the institution." JJ added, things suddenly becoming a lot more serious than before.


"Where is Daniel Butcher?!" Hotch raised his voice as he slammed his hands down on the table in the interrogation room.

I watched from the other side of the window with JJ, Morgan, Reid and Prentiss. Rossi was in the room with Hotch but stood by the door with his arms crossed. Hotch had apparently been in there a while, Mr Colson giving the same answers.

"I don't know. Okay? He left."

Rossi squinted his eyes and walked away from the door, standing beside Hotch now with his back to the window. "What do you mean 'he left'?" He asked Mr Colson.

Mr Colson shrugged. "He was with me and then he said something about some woman named..." he groaned, "I don't remember. But he left."

"You need to remember." Hotch demanded, "what woman was he talking about?"

Mr Colson stammered, trying to remember the name but was failing. "Layla? L-L.." he tried but couldn't find it.

"Lillia?" Rossi suggested, making Mr Colson's eyes widen.

"Yes!" He exclaimed, almost standing from his seat. "Lillia. He was talking about a Doctor Lillia Davis."

I felt Spencer look at me momentarily before focusing back on the interrogation taking place but his hand brushed up on mine, wrapping his index finger around my ring finger.

I swallowed to push the lump in my throat down, trying to force the nerves that were growing down with it but failed terribly. "I need a drink of water." I spoke, my voice coming out husky.

My feet hurriedly walked me out of the room and over to the small water fountain. I picked up a small paper cone from beside it and filled it up, downing the drink in two chugs and then refilling the cone.

A hand lay on my back, their fingers gently swirling circles on my clothes. "Did you need some air?" Emily asked, tilting her head to look at my face.

I shook my head. "No. No, I just need to go home. Or...or the closest thing I have to a home right now." I slightly muttered but she nodded so she must've heard me.

"I'll tell the team and get you a ride there." And Emily left me with a damp paper cone.

A few moments later and I was accompanied again but this time by Spencer who looked just as concerned as Prentiss had. "I'm, I'm going to take you home." He said, although I already knew that's why he was out here.

Spencer opted to get us a taxi this time and told the driver where to take us. Once we arrived outside the building, he payed the driver and walked me inside and upstairs, sending a nod or small wave to every pair of cops we passed.

He followed me into the apartment and I immediately went to the bedroom to get changed. I swapped out my more formal attire for a pair of joggers and an overly large hoodie, pulling on a pair of white fluffy slipper socks.

I then wandered back to the living room and sat myself down on the sofa. Spencer then followed me, holding a mug with steam flowing out the top.

"Here." He said quietly as he passed me the drink. It was a hot chocolate with small marshmallows floating around in it.

"Thank you." I returned as I took the mug and held it tightly in my hands, keeping me warm whilst I gently blew on it. Spencer to a seat beside me.

"We'll find him, Lillia. Before anything can happen to you, we'll find him." Spencer cautiously took one of my hands away from the mug and into in his hand, seeming almost reluctant to but did anyway.

I turned my head to look at him to see him already looking back. "Just don't hurt him. He's done bad things, just...don't hurt him." I said, almost whispering but he heard as he nodded in response and whispered back, "I promise."

But I knew he couldn't promise that. It was procedure that if he was to try and attack someone, present himself as a danger in anyway on sight, the authorities were to shoot. There wasn't much Spencer could do to prevent that and I knew it, however, hearing him reassure me was comforting. It helped even if just slightly.


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