Chapter 27: The Hunt

Start from the beginning

Ranboo paused. The more he thought about it, the more it made sense. Of course, the Blood God would have a pact with demons- he was the top PVP player on the server! The warrior piglin must have sent hundreds, if not thousands, of souls down to hell. Ranboo could see the demons being very pleased with the number of souls Techno had gifted them.

"Okay, but these aren't just any demons," the enderman countered. "They're like walking triggers. They can bring up your deepest, darkest secret, and use it against you." Ranboo suddenly stopped walking in the middle of the hall, and looked his brother in-law dead in the eye. "Techno, I know you hear voices in your head."

"What?! Who told you?!"

"Phil did. On our way out." Ranboo knew it was risky even talking about the voices, but the enderman couldn't put their mission in jeopardy. Some things just had to be said. "Look, Techno, I'm not here to judge you or make fun of you or anything. I just need you to know that dreamons don't care. They don't care that you're the Blood God, or how you're King of the Demons. They'll use your voices against you and they will possess you."

Techno scoffed. "I'm pretty sure I can handle myself, Ranboo," he said. "I mean, come on. We're using eggs to attack them? They can't be that powerful."

"Don't underestimate the power of a dreamon," the enderman warned. "The eggs are just to stun them. It can be the difference between life and death." Ranboo bit his lip, hesitating before he added, "I don't want you fighting them, alright, Techno? You haven't fought them before, and they're really dangerous."

"Right," Techno monotoned, voice dripping with sarcasm. "And that's supposed to make me fear them?"


Just then, a long, blood-curdling howl echoed down the halls. Ranboo gasped. "That sounded like Eret," he said. "Come on!" The two sprinted off down in the direction of the scream, fully intent on defending the lone monarch.

When the two finally reached the king's private chambers, they quickly realized that they'd stumbled into a warzone. Tubbo was near the front of the room by the large oak doors, swinging his diamond hoe every which way. As he backed one creature into the corner, he slashed another creeping up on his left, causing the dreamon to vanish in mid-air.

Meanwhile, Sapnap dueled with another figure off to the right. He stood at the foot of the master bed, defending the startled king from yet another ruinous creature. But like a wicked hydra, the dreamons kept coming, two appearing where one had just fallen. It was a mighty battle indeed; the hunters needed all the help they could get.

Ranboo shoved his carton of eggs into Technoblade's hands. "Techno, stay here!" he ordered. "Use the eggs!" Before the piglin could respond, the enderman was off, leaping to the middle of the fray.

Ranboo dodged every sinister reach of the dreamons' clawed hands, weaving through every shadow with ease. He stabbed and parried, finishing off dreamon after dreamon. But these were crafty creatures. They began forming dark spheres of fog, and blasting them towards their humanoid enemies. Ranboo braced himself for one such blow, and hissed when the orb made impact. Fortunately, most of the darkness evaporated the second it touched the sentient's sleeve. Wisps of the fog came over him, swirling traces of sinister thoughts of his mind- it was nothing the enderman couldn't handle.

Just then, Sapnap's yelp could be heard over the echoes of battle: "I'm out of eggs!" the man screamed. "What do I do?!"

Ranboo, who had fought his way to the opposite side of the room, looked back the same time a rogue dreamon came up from the floorboards. Carrying a sphere so dark, he knew the creature didn't intend to stun Sapnap- it meant to possess him. Ranboo wouldn't let that happen, not on his watch.

The second the orb left the being's grasp, Ranboo sprinted forward. He dove over the edge of the bed, and violently slashed down through the sphere. The demonic threat evaporated into nothing; the enderman had won. Ranboo continued to tumble over the foot of the bed, and banged his head hard against a nearby dresser. His hoe dropped from his hand as his body went limp on the hardwood floor. 


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As always, thank you so much for all the love and support. I would fight Dreamons for y'all. <333

[Image Credits] "A bedroom" (Cropped out desk on left-hand side) by Tristan Higbee (https://www

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[Image Credits] "A bedroom" (Cropped out desk on left-hand side) by Tristan Higbee (

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