//The Final Shipment//

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this is now at the beginning of the anime/manga, enjoy the chapter! ^.^

————————Your POV————————

"[name]! [name]~" i opened my eyes to be greeted with a smiling Phil in my face, letting out a small groan i smiled at the 5 year old boy, blinking the drowsiness out my eyes.

"morning Phil" "good morning!" is all i got before he went back to trying to tie his shoelaces. i sat up and stretched before flopping back down

"[name]! can you help me tie my shoes?" once again, i rolled over to the smiling boy, this time getting out of my bed and helping him tie his laces and button up the top of his shirt.


i was helping norman set the places at the table when a swarm of small children came flooding into the room, Emma included.

"IM GOING TO EAT YOU ALL UP!" was all i heard along with the yells of Thoma and Lani. i smiled at their antics, turning my full attention to Emma when she ran over to us with Phil on her back, "mawningw"

"mawningw Emma" Ray mocked her with a smirk on his face "good morning Emma! how do you have so much energy? you haven't even eaten yet" i let out a small laugh at the comments coming from my friends "yeah, how old are you, five?" "you do act like a child sometimes Emma" i mentioned, lightly flicking her on the forehead with Phil in my arms.

i put Phil in his chair and smiled at him before making my way back to the other three, Emma rubbing her forehead where i had hit her with a small pout on her face, "hey~~ I'm the same age as you three, 11! and one of the oldest here!" 

a hand was placed on my shoulder and i looked up to see mama laughing at us, "you too mama?" she started whining like a child, completely contradicting what she had said about herself prior, "Emma, [name] can you help me out over here?" "but mamm~~ i wanted to redo my entrance again"

"hmm? but that's what i love most about you" a gentle smile was on mama's face, "what? that I'm 5 years old at heart?" Emma tilted her head to the side, a small frown on her face. The two continued to have their conversation as i moved towards the kitchen where Gilda and Anna had just finished making breakfast.

"Is everything ready yet? Anna? Gilda?" i asked with a tired smile. the two nodded in place of a verbal answer and we started putting the food on a large trolley-tray, making conversation with one another.

We all sat down at our places and mama rang the bell to get our attention, "goodmorning my children, let us be thankful that all 39 of you can live here happily, together..thank you for the food" several voices then chorused after her "thank you for the food"


"Answer the following questions in 9 seconds or less, we will now begin" the same recorded message played through the headphones of over 30 children as they started their tests, heads down, concentrated on the screen below them.

. . .

"well, i think i got at least half" Thoma was one of the first to talk when the tests ended, Lanni replying with a jealous undertone to his voice, "that many? Woah!" "I'm jealous..i didnt understand most of it.." Conny looked upset, she had never been the brightest out of all of us, me and Emma had tried to help her study, and she had improved but still never got as high as the rest of us on our tests.

Everyone's attention shifted to the front as we heard our mother's voice, "well done Norman, Ray, Emma and [name] you all got perfect scores once again!" i heard Emma celebrating and looked behind me to see her doing a little happy dance, i laughed a little at her as everyone began to talk to one another.

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