Chapter Three

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Harriet stood in complete shock. It wasn't possible. She'd stepped into a wooden box. It had to be a box otherwise, it wouldn't have fit in the security room. Her mouth was dropped open, eyebrows furrowed, eyes wide in shock. The Doctor only watched with a bemused smile.

Harriet bolted from the entrance, having another look at the outside of the Police box. It was just that, a box! She walked around, checking out the back, even tapping the wood to check. It was real. She stood back in front of the open door, looking in at the impossible. The Doctor stood front and centre. Harriet walked cautiously back inside, looking around at every aspect she could. 

Metal hexagons adorned every inch of the walls, the ones closest to the centre emitting a dark blue light, a similar shade to the outside of the ship. A few steps led up to the main console, surrounded by golden, crystal pillars that sprouted from the ground like roots to the ceiling. The floor was mostly grey, with more random yellow hexagons lighting up the floor. The centrepiece, which Harriet presumed to be a console to the ship, was beautiful. It centred around another golden crystal, each side hosting a different element. Levers, dials, taps, gages, pressure pumps, a microphone, a sand timer, wires, cables, switches. Everything you could imagine seemed to be there. Even a popped out hatch holding a custard cream. A few steps were off to the side, leading to an almost hidden door that could lead anywhere. Although how any more could fit in here, seemed even more impossible.

The Doctor stood before her, leaning against the console, one leg crossed over the other. She watched in delight as Harriet took in her surrounding for the first time. Her favourite part was about to happen, the one line that made bringing new people aboard worth it. "I told you not to follow me inside. I made sure I was extra clear this time."

"It's... it's..." Harriet stuttered, slowing making her way toward the Time Lord, still not sure which way to look, always finding a new aspect to focus on. 

"Yes? It's what?" The Doctor nudged, eager for her to finish her sentence.

"It's bigger on the inside!"

"Yes! I love when they say that." The Doctor fist-pumped the air. "What do you think?"

"It's bigger... on the inside." 

"Yeah, we've covered that, mate. But do you like it?"

"On the outside... it's a box... it's smaller."

The Doctor sighed in defeat, dropping her head in her hands. It was a shock for newbies, it was understandable but not helpful when she could be against the clock. Harriet's eyes finally landed back on The Doctor, her mind spiralling at a thousand miles per hour. She took a deep breath, delicately placing a hand on one of the golden pillars so she could steady herself. "It's beautiful. Though, is it... is it alien?"

The Doctor raised her head, smiling at the befuddled human before her. Even when experience something new and mind-blowing, Harriet was appreciating the beauty, which The Doctor loved. 

"Thank you. Yes, she is. She's a TARDIS. Time and relative dimensions in space. I stole her a long time ago, been travelling together since. We've seen the whole universe." The Doctor explained, absent-mindedly stroking the console, receiving a humming noise in return.

"You travel through space?"

"And time, I get about." The Doctor replied, keeping an eye on Harriet as she took in the new information. "I've just got to scan and check that spike if you want to look."

Harriet cautiously approached the console, not wanting to get in the way or accidentally bumping into the wrong thing. She hovered behind The Doctor, desperately wanting to press something but showing restraint. She watched The Doctor pull the napkin from her pocket, slowing unfolding it to reveal the black spike from earlier. She scanned over the object once more with the Sonic Screwdriver, then placed the device into a slot in the console. "That just passes over the data to the TARDIS. She'll search her database for any matches."

"Do you have anyone else here? That travels with you?" Harriet asked, observing how small the Time Lord looked in her surroundings. The Doctor's smile faltered, a wave of sadness washed over her face. She turned away from Harriet, flicking a few switches and dials.

"Shouldn't take too long. The TARDIS is usually quite quick." The Doctor replied, dodging the question. 

Harriet's face softened, thinking she'd said the wrong thing. "I'm sorry, did I say something wrong I didn't mean to pry, I'm sorry." Harriet apologised, moving towards The Doctor. She gently placed a hand on her arm, causing the Time Lord to turn back with a small smile.

"Don't be, it's okay. I did have friends, some left, others... aren't here anymore. Not everyone wants to stick around and help old me." 

"I'll help you... If you want me to?"

 "I'd like that, thank you. But if this turns out to be dangerous, you'll have to leave. I don't want you getting hurt. Do you understand?" The Doctor replied sternly, placing her hand over Harriet's. She gave a small nod in response before being interrupted by a dinging sound. "Ooh, it's finished. Let's see what she's found." The Doctor sprang back into life, clicking some switches before rushing to look at a screen on the wall. Numbers and letters flew over the screen, the occasional spiral symbol that Harriet couldn't understand.

"Oh, well, that's disappointing." The Doctor tutted, placing her hands on her hips.

"What is it? What does it say?" Harriet asked.

"Nothing, she doesn't recognise it. Which isn't good, as her database covers the whole universe. They could be a new race, that'd be good. Maybe I discovered them first, then I'd get to name them." The Doctor rambled, walking towards the main doors.

"So, what do we do now? If we don't know who they or what they are, how do we get rid of them?"

"We take the more direct approach. Come on, let's go say hi to the new neighbours!" The Doctor beamed, before leaving the TARDIS.

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