Chapter Eight

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They all lay dead around her. Their blood was all pooling together.

Marinette pulled herself up, shaking all the while. She stumbled backwards, eyes wide.

And then she heard the laughter.

That sickening, mad laughter.

Marinette whipped around to see the Joker standing over Jason, laughing.



She knew he was the one that killed Jason. The GCPD officers told her.

And then she saw it again, in the newspaper. Black and white and bloody.

Marinette growled and took a step forward.

That bastard.

He killed her family, her brother, her friends.

So she was going to kill him.

Marinette lunged forward with a snarl.

And she grabbed Joker by the throat.

"You fucking bastard!" She screamed, slamming her fists into the Joker's face.

His laughter had seized and now the green bastard was gasping for air as she wrapped her hands around his throat, squeezing with all her might.

Faintly, Marinette heard someone call her name.

"Get her off of me!" the Joker screamed. Someone grabbed Marinette's hood and yanked.

She didn't move.

Marinette bared her teeth at the Joker, more animal than human, and let go of his throat to punch him in the face again.


That made Marinette pause.

It sounded like Jason.


Marinette whipped her head around to see Hawkmoth rushing forward, an Akuma at his heels. The Akuma was Syren, the mermaid that flooded Paris and killed almost two million people.

That day was horrible. Two million dead. Marinette broke down that day, even after Syren was defeated and she used her Miraculous Cure.

Two million dead.

And now her friends and family were too.

Hawkmoth ran forward and tackled her while she was frozen, throwing her off the Joker.

"No! he killed Jason! Let go of me!" Marinette screeched, tears leaked down her face. When had she started crying?

"Pix, I'm here. I'm right here." Hawkmoth whispered. No, no-- who was this man to call her that? Only Jason called her that.

Marinette screamed and attempted to get away from him, but his grip was firm.

He was going to kill her and take her Miraculous and hurt Tikki--

Marinette could distantly hear the Joker being subdued, but she couldn't see with her face pressed against Hawkmoth's chest.

"Bug? oh my god, please be okay!" She could hear her friends--her dead friends--surrounding her.

"Marinette! It's okay, Mari, I'm here. It's me okay? It's Chloé, your Bee." Chloé's voice was broken, but how was she talking?

"No!" Marinette cried, "You're--you're dead. You're not here." She was sobbing now, clutching at Hawkmoth. She squeezed her eyes shut and shuddered.

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