Chapter one:When i grow up

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I was reading a book when a thought came to me 'what if the Demigods Lied to me?'. I walked out of my Room. There i stood face to face with Isabella. "Where are you going?". Isabella said,Tearing up. "Leaving Here". I replied, not having a care in the world for Isabella crying.

(N/A- The reason I chose Isabella instead of Annabeth is because it kept Wrong Typing)

Isabella yelled, Worriedly" Percy, What had happened to you? You used to be so brave and Compassionate! Where is the Percy I know". I didn't reply and I walked out, Angrily.

Isabella screamed at me" We are Through if you leave!". I replied" We we're Finished after you cheated, Bitch". Isabella stared at me, With shock. She never heard me cuss before. "You are the Demigod and the Son of Neptune! Why are you leaving now?!". Isabella shouted. Everyone heard her.

I yelled,So much higher then Isabella's Angry voice. "DID I EVER WANT TO BE!! ISABELLA!! THINK!! I DID NOT WANT TO BE. NEPTUNE IS UNPOPULAR WHICH MAKES ME UNPOPULAR AND BESIDES,I HATE MYSELF BECAUSE YOU CHEATED ON ME!!". Isabella, Rachel, Nico, Thalia and Luke was stunned at Percys Change of Behavior.

(Sorry if this isn't canon. I ship Percy and Harry and I also ship Harry and Draco. TOMARRY and Snarry has never made sense to me)

Two ends Meet// a Harry x Percy Jackson fanficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें