5 - How's it Going Bros, This is the King!!

Start from the beginning

Neptune: You sure?

Y/n: Well, Astolfo, the character who I'm dressed as, is known as a Rider Class Servant in Fate.

Ringo: Hey Y/n.

Y/n: Oh right. Astolfo is good with horses, so I think that would be a good idea for me.

Ringo: Oh, that makes sense.

Luna: But now for the big question... What do you want to name it?

Neptune: Oh, I got an idea! How about Adele?

Y/n: No.

Ringo: Skysilver?

Y/n: No.

Luna: What about Pendragon. I mean, it's something Fate related, and Y/n looks like Astolfo from the Fate series.

Y/n: Fate related... Astolfo... THAT'S IT!!!

Neptune: You got the name?

Y/n: Yup! I'm calling it, Hippogriff!!!

Neptune: Alright.

Ringo: It is going to be your horse, after all.

After the others agree with the name, I head over to the stables the inn conveniently had and start to take care of her.


No one's POV

We now see the others heading towards the castle, with Y/n on Hippogriff. As they get close, they notice a person standing guard

 As they get close, they notice a person standing guard

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Y/n: Guys... am I seeing things...?

Neptune: No you aren't...!!! That's the most funniest person I've seen so far!!

Luna: *holding in a laugh while nodding*

Ringo: Let me handle this then.

Ringo then walks up to the soldier, who stops him.

hamburger: Halt! You are approaching Greenhorne Castle! I'm sorry, but I can't-

Ringo: We have a letter of introduction from the mayor.

hamburger: May I see this letter?

Ringo: Yeah. Hold on for just a second.

Ringo then walks over to Y/n, grabs the letter, and heads over to hamburger.

Ringo: Here.

Ringo then hands hamburger the letter. After looking at it, hamburger then hands it back to Ringo.

hamburger: My apologies! Please, go on ahead!

Ringo: Thank you!

As the others then continue their walk, they spot the castle.

Y/n: Wow... you know, I never thought I'd meet royalty...

Neptune: You said it! Honestly feels bizarre.

Y/ntopia (Miitopia x Male Trap Reader x Y/n Multiverse)Where stories live. Discover now