5 - How's it Going Bros, This is the King!!

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No one's POV

We see our four main protagonists walking through the area towards the castle when they hear a horse.

Luna: Did... Did you guys hear that?

Ringo: Yeah... that sounded like a horse.

Neptune: It came over that way!!!

Y/n: Let's go see what's going on!!

The four then run over and see a horse surrounded by goblins.

The four then run over and see a horse surrounded by goblins

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Y/n: Alright, time to save a horse!!!

Neptune: Got it!!!

Luna: How are saying things so calmly?

Neptune: My party back in my world is always bizarre. This is nothing.

Ringo: Well, we should rescue their faces.

The four then run towards the three goblins, and easily kill them.

Ringo: Hey, is it just me, or is killing these monsters a bit easier now?

Y/n: Well, we've literally been fighting them for quite some time now.

Neptune: Yeah, for a least 3 chapters!!!

Luna: Anyways... Now with that done, let's keep moving!

Y/n: Right.

As the team walks through the area, they stop to take one last look at Greenhorne, but see the horse in front of them.

Luna: Were we... being followed... by a horse...?

Ringo: Seems so...

Y/n then walks up to the horse and pets it.

Y/n: Hey, you're alright. You can find your way back yourself.

The horse then makes a no swaying motion.

Neptune: I think... the horse wants to join us.

Y/n: What do you guys say?

Ringo: Fine by me.

Luna: Sure.

Y/n: Alright!


Y/n's POV

After we helped the horse, we went to an inn to discuss some things.

Y/n: So, as we all know, we now have a horse on our team.

Neptune: Honestly, it feels odd.

Ringo: So let's get to the main question. Which one of us wants to take care of it.

Luna: Count me out. If Filo caught me taking care of a different animal, she'd be pretty upset with me.

Y/n: Then how about I do it?

Y/ntopia (Miitopia x Male Trap Reader x Y/n Multiverse)Where stories live. Discover now