The last war || memori au

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The last war but Raven doesn't leave Emori's side and Emori dies.

TWs: Graphic description of Emori's death & blood

Sets place in "The last war"// 7x16

Words: 2k

Ship: Memori, platonic or romantic murven & remori


They rushed into the room, Murphy pushing the gurney on which Emori laid, his face sweaty and dirty from the rubble. His eyes were filled with tears, and he saw Jackson pressing his hands on Emori's upper body, keeping her blood circulated.

Raven pulled, limping and looking over her shoulder to see, where they could move the gurney to. „Almost there! "She screamed. Murphy felt the anxiety in his whole body, his arms shaking. „Stay with us, Emori, stay with us! "He begged. Raven looked him into his eyes, a short second but still an anchor for his soul. „Okay, slow, slow, Murph, "she told him. „I got it, "he said, gasping.

They moved the gurney through the door into the lab, Raven pushing another stretcher out of the way, so they had enough space for Emori.

„Raven, get the defibrillator! "Jackson instructed Raven.

„Where? "The woman yelled.

Jackson nodded to a table where a small, white box was placed on. „There. "

Raven run to it and grabbed the machine, walking as fast as she could back to Emori.

Murphy stood to Emori's left, looking down at her frozen face. She looked like she'd already died, he thought. „Hey, come one baby. Come on, baby, stay with me. "He said, hoping she'd hear the words somehow. I cannot lose her, please, he thought. Jackson continued CPR.

Jackson turned to Raven as she walked to them. „Good, now-„ „I know how. I used one on myself, "Raven snapped back. Murphy knew how afraid she was of losing Emori, someone else she loved. He was afraid too.

Murphy turned his head to Jackson, searching in his face for something, maybe hope, maybe the certainty that Emori was already dead. „Jax, what can I do? "He asked, worried.

Jackson looked at him. „Nothing yet. "

Raven placed the pads of the defibrillator on Emori's upper body. „Okay, "Jackson nodded.

„Set! "Raven said and stepped back, Murphy and Jackson following.

„Clear, "Jackson's voice sounded sharp in Murphy's ears.

Raven pressed a button on the defibrillator and a buzzing sound ringing in the air. Emori's body stirred, nothing happening. Murphy looked at Jackson, fearing his words. Emori's body slumped back down. Murphy raised his arms over his head, yelling. „Come on! "

The doctor looked at Raven. „One more time, come on Raven. Clear! "Raven pressed the button, shocking Emori's body again. They waited in fear Emori would not respond. But this time, they heard all a slow exhaling of air coming from Emori's mouth.

Murphy laughed, bowing his head down to Emori. He heard Raven's relieved breathing behind himself. „Good job, "he whispered to his fiancée's ear. Jackson pressed his fingers to Emori's skin at her throat, his face going back to his worried expression. „Her pulse is weak. She's lost too much blood, "he told Emori's friends.

Murphy looked determined at Jackson. „So we give her mine, "he suggested.

Raven looked to them. „Mine too, "she said. Jackson nodded thankfully at her.

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