a romantic moment(kai hiwatari)

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You were feeling really low and came back home late..

Kai: hey babe (*petting his cat*)

_____: hmm

Kai felt something was off

Kai: anything wrong honey?

_____: nothing much

Kai: ohh?

_____: kai

Kai: hnn

_____: let's break up..

He saw you for a moment...

Kai: huh?(*confused*) I swear i didn't cheat on you

_____: i know you won't.. but i realised that i am not made for you..

Kai: which thing said what to you (*he came near you and kept his hand on your cheeks*)

_____: i am truly sorry.. if i was wrong.. (*started to cry*)

Kai: come on dear... whats wrong (*Hugged you tightly*)

_____: i guess they were right..

Kai: who?! (*He was angry but didn't show that*)

_____: my friends.. they said i was ugly.. and i don't deserve you.. and i am huge loser..

Kai: those are nonsense..you are my everything dear

____: but... It's not the first time kai..

Kai: hm? They are just jealous of you.. (*kisses on your lips*) your hair, your eyes, your flaws, everything is special... beggars won't know the value of diamonds...

_____: really?

Kai: hm.. then why would you think i have chose you as my girlfriend..

_____: you really love me?

Kai: yup (*flipping you down and you were down he was on the top on the couch*) how shall i prove it for my girlfriend?

_____: can you scream the world saying you love me

Kai: (*smirk*) sure.. (*whippers*) love you

_____: why the hell did you whisper me

Kai:. You are my world ______

With this you cried and slept on his arms

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