💞💕valentine's day ❤️💖

Start from the beginning

Shu came and hugged you from your waist.

Shu: These are for my princess (*he told you in your ears*)

_____: 😊 thank you soo much my prince..

Shu: you haven't eate anything.. the bear will feel bad that you didn't eat him.. 😝

____: ohh really.. will bear will feel bad or my prince will feel bad  (*you also started to play with him*)

Shu: the chocolate will be melted..

_____: oh no!! I will eat it !! 🤤😋

You took a piece and gave to him with your hands

____: how is it??

Shu: why don't you taste by your self

He came near you and you took a small bite from his mouth..

Shu: how is it??

____: just like you



Kai was soo busy he had to go to company as well as beyblade.. you glanced him.. from the room.. having some chocolates in your hand

You knew that he would be soo busy on this day also.. but atleast you could do atleast that something cheers him..

____: k-kai? (*You saw him from behind his study*)

Kai: hmm (*he was soo emerged in his laptop*)

____: are you busy 😅

Kai: (*he glanced at you*) (*but didn't say anything that might hurt you*)

___: kai here you go.. (*you handed some  chocolates and letters on his table with a red rose*)

Kai: for?🤔

______: today is valentine's day and you are very busy so i thought i would give you something..

Kai: was today valentine's day?? 😦 (*Immediately got up from his chair*)

____: yup! As i thought you won't be able to remember it you have been very busy these days

Kai: (*hesitates*)

____: well sorry for the disturbance.. whenever you would be free just glance on that letter.. 😅🤗

Kai: hmm

When you were about to leave..

He grabbed your waists and gave the most passionate kiss..

He left you..

Kai: 😔 sorry for being a irresponsible boyfriend..

____: no kai! Career love, and passion are very important just you have to balance them..

Kai: i won't be able to take you anywhere nor give you something.. (*he was really sorry*)

____: it's fine, however you would always take me to the places or give me whatever you want.. i am very happy with those things.. (*you gently kept your hand on your cheeks*) i just now want you to be healthy and happy nothing more than than.. 🥺

Kai: (*smiles*) thank you for coming in my life ____..

____: thank you for choosing me as your girlfriend..


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