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Minju opened the shop door and enter. She left the key to her staff so they can wirk as usual. As she entered, she saw her two staffs sitting at the counter while looking at her.

Chaewon:"you're back!"

Chaewon and hyewon came to her and hug her.

Minju:" im sorry for not inviting you guys..its not that i dont want but.."

Hyewon:"dont worry, we understand it..you okay? How's your husband?"

Chaewon:"i heard that your husband is the guy that rejects hyewon? Didn't he said that he has a girlfriend? How can he be your husband now?"

Hyewon:"wait..did he break with his girlfriend just to marry you? Wow he is unbelievable"

Minju:"i dont know that deep about him. I rarely talk to him. Well im not going to be an easy girl."

Chaewon:"yes you're right! Dont be easy on him"

Hyewon:"minju-ya if you're having a problem with him just talk to us"

Chaewon:"yeah! If he makes you cry or sad i'll sure be punching him on the face"

Hyewon:" yes! We will break his bone to 100 pieces!"

Minju:"haha thank you guys, i appreciate it, but for now let's work"

Hyewon:"yes sir!"

Chaewon:"alright mate!"


Minju:"girls, its time to go home. Goid job for today. I wish we can continue work like this"

Chaewon:"ne sajangnim"

Hyewon:"since you're back do we still have to hold the key?"

Minju:"if you want to"

Chaewon:"i would love to! It feels like im the owner of the shop"

Hyewon pat chaewon's back a little harder while minju laugh.

Minju:"okay then i'll go home first"

Chaewon:"you go home by yourself? You did'nt ask your husband to pick you up?"

Minju:"im sure he's busy, my sister will pick me up today"


Minju:"oh? she here. I'll get going first! Bye girls!"

They replied her goodbye with a hand wave and smile. Then they went to their home.

Minju entered the car and put on her seat belt.

Minju:"eonni i miss you so much"

Heoyoon:" i miss you too kid"

Minju:" i really wanted to come to your house. But i was a little busy. I'll sure come to your house and visit hojun too. I miss the baby"

Heoyoon:"how about this weekend?"

Minju:"this weekend? I'll have to ask my husband"

Heoyoon:"oh yeah i forgot that now you are a wife. It must be hard isn't it? You always have to ask for a permission to go out"

Minju:"yeah..good for you that you can go out anytime. How was working with your husband?"

Heoyoon:"its awesome! I like the fact that i get to stick with him 24 hour. But its not my choice. He made me work with him"

Minju gigled. She looked at heoyoon. Wondering how fast the time passed

Minju:"doesn't it feels weird talking about our husband? At the time were single we only talked about food all day long"

Heoyoon:"i know right. I was going to talk about it"

Heoyoon continued driving to Taeyang's apartment while minju thought heoyoon her house route.
After they arrived. She said goodbye to heoyoon and head to the elevetor. She get in and press the close button. As the door close she let out a small sigh.

Minju:"i have to see him again.."

Suddenly the elevator door opened again. She consider it as her neighbour so she just step aside to making a space for the person. The person gets in the elevator. She saws the person and kind of hesitate to talk to him.

Minju:"did you just get off from work taeyang-ah?"

Taeyang pressed the close button and realised that she was talking to him.

Taeyang:"huh? Oh, yea..yeah.."

Minju:"are you okay?"

Taeyang:"umm..ye.. yeah..im just tired. Thats all"

Minju nodded at his answer. But she seems worried and feel a bit guilty.

"Did he heard what i said just now?"

After the elevator goes up to they're apartment floor, they walk to their house and get in.


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