Thirty two

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"You're not gonna leave, are you?" Jimin said and opened his mouth as Yoongi fed him and made a sign that he didn't want to eat anymore. Yoongi put the bowl at the table, looking unsatisfied with the small amount of food Jimin ate.

"No, how can I?" Yoongi said and gently wiped Jimin lips.

"Why are you so stubborn?" Jimin asked and took his medicine, drinking water after that.

"Because I'm in a relationship with you," Yoongi said and Jimin chuckled.

"You're the best," Jimin said, smiling.

"I know, right," Yoongi chuckled and checked Jimin's temperature. "Your fever isn't gonna leave you alone, is it?"

"I don't know," Jimin said and rubbed his eyes.

"Sleepy?" Yoongi said.

"Mhm, this medicine makes me too sleepy, I wanted to spend time with you without feeling sleepy," Jimin mumbled, sleepily. Yoongi ruffled Jimin's hair and made him lay down.

"Don't worry about that, we can spend time tomorrow too, how do you feel?" Yoongi asked.

"Um.. I feel sick but better than two days ago," Jimin said and fluttered his eyes closed.

"That's good then," Yoongi said and played with Jimin's hair.

"It feels so good when you play with my hair," Jimin mumbled.

"You like it?" Yoongi said, smiling softly.

"Mhm, I love it," Jimin hummed.

"I can do it all night if you want," Yoongi said in a joking tone.

"No, I'd much rather prefer you sleeping peacefully like me," Jimin said, looking like he was seconds away from drifting into a deep sleep.

"You're too good, you know that?" Yoongi whispered and saw Jimin already asleep. He kissed Jimin's forehead in an affectionate way. The kiss lingering for a few seconds before he pulled away.

"Visiting hours are closed," A nurse said and Yoongi smiled sadly.

"Okay.." He said and gave Jimin one last look before exiting the room. He sat on the chair and shakily ran his fingers in his hair.

He hid his face in his hands as his tears flowed endlessly as he recalled the doctor's words.

We don't know what happened to him, his chances of living are very low, I'm sorry.

Yoongi whimpered, feeling his throat clog up as he tried to keep his breathe stable.

He shakily took out his phone and went outside the hospital as he called someone.

"Pick it up!" Yoongi said in desperation.

After a few tries the person finally picked the call.


"Joon, help me! I can't just let him leave me! I don't think I'll be able to live without him," Yoongi said very fast and sniffled, feeling difficult to breathe.

"Hyung... First calm down,"

"I.... Don't know what to do," Yoongi said, tugging on his hair with his free hand, not even being able to gasp on his own.

"Tell me five things you're able to see right now,"

"I-I see t-trees, b-birds, v-vehicles, buildings a-and houses," Yoongi said, and felt himself slowly being able to breathe again.

"Good, now tell me what's wrong,"

"I-It's Jimin, I feel like he'll leave me whenever I'm not with him," Yoongi said shakily, wiping his tears with the back of his hand and sat on a bench.

"Be positive, hmm? He's strong, he's not going to leave you,"

"But what if he does?" Yoongi asked, biting his lips nervously. "What if he does leave me soon enough?"

"Shh, Yoongi, his chances to survive may be low but he has good immune system. Trust him and the doctors, will you?"

"Okay.... I believe you, thanks Joon," Yoongi said between sniffles.

"No problem hyung, call me if you want to talk to someone, you should go to sleep now, you need it."

"Good night," Yoongi said and cut the call after he heard a 'Good night' in response. "Maybe this hope of everything will be alright will not disappoint me."

That was all he could do. Convince himself that everything will turn out right.

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