D.I.Y (Accessories holder)

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-  old Pringles (box) or a tall hard plastic cup that is about 15 cm tall ( or whatever you have that is hard and stable enough to hold the plastic plate

- 2 pringles lid

- Glass paint /spray


-Glue gun, Tacky glue 

-2 plastic plate that is divided into 5 section or just plain one ( have a hole in the middle) (don't use plastic plates that are like paper, use smth hard enough to withstand heavy weight)

ok so, 


1) Take the paint and brushes and paint on the plastic plates or spray paint the plastic plate. Also paint  old pringles box and also don't forget to paint the lids.

2) let it dry 

3) heat the glue gun ( this will take about 5 minutes)

4)  Glue one of the lid on the top of the pringle box and the other pringles lid on the bottom of the pringles box your are using. (for bottom of the pringles box you will have to glue both the bottom of the pringle and lid so, that the lid won't come off) 

5) Use one of the plastic plate and glue the pringle box in the middle; wait for a minute or two 

6) check if they are stick together nicely. 

7) Cover the top lid with glue and place the plastic plate on top of the lid. let the glue cools down. 

8) Lift the "project" from the middle to see if the things fall apart or not ( for me, i had to do it twice xP )

9) If it is nice and secure, you can arrange your accessories in it !

~ is easy and fun~ 

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