Chapter 2 Goodbye

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After returning from the hall Lan Wangji's face seems gloomy. He looked sad. He returned to his room where Wei Wuxian was waiting for him. They ate food, Wei Wuxian kept talking to him but Lan Wangji didn't respond to him at all, he was stuck in his own thoughts. Looking at Lan Wangji's condition Wei Wuxian asked him what happened but Lan Wangji only said that it was nothing and that he was just not feeling well. After saying that he went to bed and slept. Wei Wuxian felt that there must be something wrong. In these 3 years, it's the first time Lan Wangji behaved like this. After making up his mind he went to the bed and called Lan Wangji but the latter was already deep asleep.

Wei Wuxian didn't feel good so he went out and sat near the pond. He was deep in his thoughts when someone called him from behind .

"Wei gege , what are you doing here alone? Why is Hanguang-Jun not with you?"

It was Sizhui. After recovering his memory whenever Wei Wuxian and he is alone he will always call him brother.

Smiling reluctantly he said, "Everything is fine Sizhui. Why are you still out at this time?It's already past 10 and you haven't gone to bed yet. Aren't you afraid of punishment?" Wei Wuxian asked him.

Sizhui came near Wei Wuxian and sat with him and replied "I am on duty today, so I must watch over the cloud recesses. I was passing by when I saw you so I came here. " Looking at Wei Wuxian's face he added" gege you look worried. Is it because of what happened in the hall today?"

Turning towards Sizhui, Wei Wuxian asked curiously "Hmm? What happened in the hall today? After returning from the hall Lan Zhan doesn't look good. He didn't even talk to me at all."

After thinking for a while Sizhui said" I don't know why Hanguang-Jun didn't say anything about it to you but i think it is something you must know and help Hanguang-Jun with it"

Confused,Wei Wuxian asked him "What is the matter? What exactly happened in the hall today?"

Sizhui said with concern "Today, in the hall, elder Lan asked Hanguang-Jun to marry miss Feng so that.. so that...." suddenly his voice was low but Wei Wuxian heard him saying "so that there can be a future generation to inherit the sect leader position after sect leader Lan"
He added "because of this thing Hanguang-Jun and elder Lan had an argument and elder Lan left the hall angrily"

"Ohh, so this is why Lan Zhan was gloomy this whole time." Wei Wuxian sighed.

Concerned,Sizhui said, "I think Hanguang-Jun didn't want you to worry so he didn't say anything to you, but I believe he will convince elder Lan about this matter so gege doesn't need to worry."

"I got it A-Yuan.I want to stay alone for a while, you should go back now" Wei Wuxian said.

Sizhui wanted to say something more but then he thought he should give Wei Wuxian some time to think about it himself,after all it's their own matter.So he nodded and left.

Wei Wuxian stayed there for a while thinking deeply then after sometime he stood and went toward jingshi. He wrote something in a paper and left.

Next day when Lan Wangji woke up he didn't find Wei Wuxian in the bed, he was surprised. He got up from the bed and was about to leave the room when he saw a paper in the study table and picked it up to read.
While reading the letter his face darkened and his eyes filled with tears. He brought the letter near his chest and stayed like that for a while.
What Wei Wuxian wrote in the letter was:-

[ Lan Zhan I know what happened in the hall today, I also know you love me very much and don't want to accept your uncle's decision. You didn't tell me anything about it because you don't want me to worry,but yesterday when I thought about it I realized what your uncle said was right. Sect leader is busy with sect work everyday and doesn't have time for anything. As his only brother now it's your responsibility to think about the future of the sect. I think you should accept the marriage proposal. I know as long as I am here you will argue with your uncle and will never let this marriage happen. That's why I am leaving cloud recesses. Lan Zhan I love you too but i hope you will think about the sect and its future too.I hope you won't look for me and have a good life with a wife and children.

-Wei Wuxian]

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