Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Standing in the corner of the station, Celeste was very careful not to get in the way as officers prepared for Joshua. Elli was gone, which helped her relax, but to be back in the same room as a rapist...her heart rate was almost to the point of unhealthy.

Spencer came in first and looked around. She thought he was looking for her, so raised her hand and waved.

"I know you don't want to be here," he said. "Let's go outside."

She huddled under his arm, leaning into his side for comfort as they walked out the back door. Morgan was out there, which made her stiffen and drop her eyes.

Spencer sighed. "Sweetheart, I'm really sorry, but they need my help inside. The girls are busy too, otherwise I'd let you stay with them."

Suddenly she remembered Elli's bravery in seeing Spencer and her fiancé and knew that her fear of Morgan was irrational. So she nodded.

After saying something quickly to Morgan, Spencer walked back inside.

They were out on a back road, Celeste saw, and not a very busy one. It wasn't a well kept road either, with cracks and potholes everywhere. She counted four residential houses down the length of it and assumed it was how those people got in and out, but others rarely used it.

Morgan leaned against the wall of the police station, loose gravel crunching under his feet, and stayed silent.

Celeste bit her cheek. "I-I know it's not rational to be nervous around you. I'm sorry." She thought she had to say something.

Morgan looked at her; she couldn't tell with what expression because he was wearing his sunglasses. "Don't apologize. It isn't your fault."

She kicked some gravel with the toe of her shoe and stuck her hands in her pockets. "Hey, Morgan, I know you and my uncle are good friends..."


"And I know I'm acting like a scared little girl..." she paused. "Could I ask you for something?"

He was surprised by this, but nodded. "Sure."

"I heard you and Uncle Spencer talking earlier, and I know he's upset, so I want to help. If you don't mind, could you...ah, help adjust me, to being around men?"

Wow. Reid must've really talked me up to her, Morgan thought. She doesn't even look at Rossi or Hotch. He took his sunglasses off and hung them on the front of his shirt. "Weekends I'm free, and you're around the BAU a lot."

"I don't want Uncle Spencer to know. I want to surprise him."

"It's gonna take a lot of effort to hide something from kid genius."

She smiled. "I fill that position just as easily."


"Uncle Spencer, Garcia invited me over tonight. Can I go?" Celeste asked.

Spencer smiled. "Of course you can. Do you need me to drop you off?"

"Yes, please."

They got back to the apartment and Celeste dropped on her bed. She would need all the rest she could get so that she wasn't tired and ready to give up before she even started. Truthfully she was going to Garcia's, but Morgan was going to be there. They could trust her not to spill to Spencer.

Garcia had been reluctant, knowing that she was a blabber mouth sometimes, but Celeste pouted and she gave in, swearing to keep the secret.

At about eight thirty Spencer pulled up to Garcia's apartment building. Since no one was outside, he asked if she wanted him to walk her in. "No thanks. She's just inside, waiting on me." She picked up her bag. "Bye, Uncle Spencer."

"Bye, Celeste." She hopped out of the car and threw her messenger bag over her shoulder, holding her overnight bag in her other hand.

Inside Celeste found Garcia waiting, just like she had told her uncle. "Hi, Garcia."

"I'm so excited! Derek said he's only going to stay for about two hours, so for the rest of the night we'll have the place to ourselves!"

Two hours. Celeste smiled. That was a good length of time.

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