CHAPTER 27: Tears

Start from the beginning

"I didn't tell him anything to be honest. I just said that everything's good...if he really cares for you...then he will come to you and not inquire over the call..."

"Oh..." I whispered gloomily. "He's never going to come, Easton. He hates me."

"No, Zoriana...he doesn't hate you...I saw the way he looked at you when he came to drop you here...there wasn't any hate in his eyes. Pure love, that's what I saw. He doesn't hate you." He assured me.

That made me sob. "Then why did he never come back? It's been three months!"

"He will come back." He stated firmly. "I know him, Zoriana. He will come back."

Sobbing, I buried my head in his chest and he said. "Do you know Searlus Industries are on top at the moment? He left that Mafia work and focused on his passion. I feel really proud of him."

"I know." I whispered and I felt proud of him too.

Easton placed another kiss on my forehead and shifted away removing his hand from around my shoulder. "Now, finish your breakfast." He pointed to the pancakes.

"I'm not hungry." I mumbled.

"I'm not gonna hear any excuses. I need you to finish your breakfast, right now. Or else I won't let you work in the cafe anymore." He threatened.

I scowled, glaring at him and picked up the fork and knife to eat the pancakes. And he ruffled my hair in appreciation and resumed eating his breakfast too.

I asked while eating. "Did you hear anything about Wilson? What happened to him?"

He sighed. "Ruslan said he ran away. He couldn't find him...I don't know where he is. Most probably he went back to mom and dad..."

I hummed in response and we ate our breakfast in silence then and as I finished my pancakes first and got upto place my plate in the sink, when my vision started to blur and I felt dizziness wash over me.

My knees buckled and stopped myself from falling by holding the edge of the table for support.

Easton was beside me in a second, holding my hand firmly and made me sat down on the chair and handed me a glass of water which I drank.

"What's wrong with you, Zoriana? That's the third time you almost fainted!"

"I don't know..." I whispered.

He eyed me carefully and said. "I'm not body shaming you but you hardly eat and you are becoming weaker day by day yet you are gaining weight. What's happening?"

I glanced down to my belly where a slight bump was visible and I shook my head, lying. "I don't know, Easton. I don't know..."

"That's it. I'm taking you the doctor." He announced, standing up.

I grabbed his hand. "Please. I'm alright. Nothing's wrong with me."

He shook his head. "No. I am not going to listen to you. I'm taking you to the doctor and that's final because I know you are hiding something."

"Easton..." I said in disbelief. How does he know?

"I'm not stupid, Zoriana. I have watched you grow and...everytime you used to have your periods, you used to spend the whole day in your room and not even move but it's been three months and not once you had your periods, isn't it?"

I groaned. "Easton, no. it important for me to let you know whether I am having my periods or not? And my periods are not that worse."

He scoffed. "There you go. Again lying. You think I didn't see the used pregnancy test in the dustbin when I was taking out the garbage. It was positive, Zoriana. I thought maybe you will tell me later but it's been a month and you never told me. Don't you trust me?"

I held my face in my hands. "Easton..." And I was again crying. I'm tired of crying. These stupid tears never end.

He sat down and again placed my head on his chest and rubbed small circles over my back. "I know you are scared but you have to trust me, Zoriana."

He asked when I didn't say anything. "How many months? How old is the baby?"

"Three months pregnant." I whispered against his chest.

"Hmm... it's Ruslan's, right?"

That made me lift my head and smack him hard on his shoulder. "Of course, it's Ruslan's! How many men do you think I went about sleeping with?!"

He panicked seeing the murderous look on my face. "Whoah, whoah! Calm down. I was just wondering...I meant no offense."

I huffed and grumbled underneath my breath.

"You should tell Ruslan." He spoke after a pause making me shut my eyes tightly.

"No, Easton...I can't...I...what if he doesn't even want it?"

Easton groaned. "You think he won't care about his own child? He likes kids! I have known him for such a long time. And he deserves to know this."

Sighing, I placed my head down on the table. "Please. Don't tell him. Not now. Please..."

"Fine...but you do want it wholeheartedly?"

"Yes. I want it. Wholeheartedly."

He gently stroked my hair. "Everything's gonna be fine..." He assured me.

"And from now on, if you don't have a proper diet, you are gonna face my wrath! I don't want you fainting anymore especially when you are carrying a child. After all, I'm going to be an uncle."

I chuckled through my tears at his last sentence and lifted my head and he kissed my forehead.

Chapter completion on: 14/9/21

Sorry for the short chapter...😅


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