Chapter 4- Their First Day

Comenzar desde el principio

You: "Well welcome to the butterfly room little dancer."

Akail's child ran up to you and got in your face.

Ina: "I'm Ina! Can we play!?"

You just patted Ina's hair and smiled.

You: "Yes you can play after we introduce you all to the rest of the room."

Last but not least came Ahri's child as she shyly made her to you. She then stuck out her hand.

Mai: "I-I'm Mai. P-p-please take good care of me."

You took Mai's hand and shook it.

You: "Nice to properly meet you Mai."

You then stood up and faced the group of mothers.

You: "I promise I'll take good care of them. And I will call if an emergency were to occur. Also, did you have a second person we could get in touch with just in case we wouldn't be able to reach you directly?"

Evelynn: "We've given you our manager's number just in case. She's the best contact we have."

You: "Okay, did you happen to also have your spouse's number as well as a back up?"

Kai'sa: "Ah... Um... Each of our husbands aren't in the picture anymore. That being said is why we need to send the girls to a daycare."

You: "Oh! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to pry!"

Akali: "Don't worry! It's all fine! It's in the past. And you didn't know."

Ahri: "Yeah! And we know that the girls are in good hands!"

You: "Ah yes! I will make sure nothing happens to them!"

Evelynn: "You better, or you will be hearing from me real soon."

Evelynn tilted her shades down and gave you a glare.

Ahri: "Knock it off! Anyways we need to go. Be good, okay Mai?"

Mai: "Yes mama."

Kai'sa: "Same goes for you Leah."

Leah: "Okay mommy!"

Akail: "Have fun kid! Don't get into too much trouble!"

Ina: "Alright mommy!"

Evelynn: "Make this room bow to you Deanna."

Deanna: "Yes mama."

They took pictures with their girls and surprisingly with you and the girls. A rare opportunity to have your picture taken with KDA's daughters. Then KDA left and you got the girls to follow you and lead them to the middle of the room.

You: "Everyone! We have some new kids in our group. This is Deanna, Leah, Ina, and Mai. Treat them how you would want to be treated!"

You could see some kids approach them and ask if they wanted to play, draw, or read. Deanna went to go play princess with some other girls. Leah went to go draw with some girls and boys. Ina went to go play with some blocks with some boys. Mai had already gone and found a book and sat by herself. A bit concerned you went and sat with Mai.

You: "Are you sure you don't want to go play with the other boys and girls?"

Mai: "N-n-no. They might not like me."

You: "And how do you know that Mai?"

Mai: "I-I-I don't. But I don't really like talking to other people?"

You: "But don't you talk to Deanna and them?"

Mai: "Yeah, they're my friends because mama is friends with their moms."

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