Katie's whole body gave a shudder. She didn't want to be afraid, but she was...and Glacier wasn't coming out at the moment.

Damn you, Walker...

"Tommy, you think we're stupid?" Kevin asked. "We wore masks..."

Katie couldn't help but smile as she saw Tommy glance at Kevin with an annoyed look.

"You went down there with goodness in your hearts, but you wore masks?" Tommy asked.

Katie gave a hiss as another wave of pain engulfed her body and she fell against the wall. Tommy glanced over, but Kevin just made a face.

"Tommy..." Kevin started.

"Go back inside." Tommy said. "I'll, um...I'll talk to Hughie. It'll be alright."

Kevin took a deep breath and walked back inside. Tommy looked back towards the shadow and Katie's breath caught in her chest. Again, another wave of pain washed over to her, and she finally fell to her knees.

"Fuck!" Tommy exclaimed.

He rushed over and caught her in his arms before she could collapse the ground.

"What the..." Tommy stated, looking at her bruises and deep gashes.

Katie was holding onto his shoulders for dear life, almost as if she let go, she would drown in the darkness.

The rain had started falling harder now as thunder and lightning enveloped them where they stood. She started shaking against the wet...and the cold. The cold normally never bothered her but, with Glacier not there...or maybe she was just weak. That last injection...

Glacier was starting to wake up.

"Let's get you inside." Tommy said.
Katie looked at him and without thinking just nodded her head.

He walked her inside and gave her his jacket that was hanging against the hook but the door. Giving her first genuine smile, all she could was nod her head. Tommy gave a laugh and led her into the main room, a dimly lit bar...purely Irish without even having to think about it.

"Who's this?" A voice asked.

She glanced and saw a smaller, blonde gentleman leaning his hip against the bar, a bottle of Jameson sitting next to him. Kevin, looked at her and then to Tommy, clearly realizing she heard the conversation out in the alley. The younger looking one with the longer but quaffed hair raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"Hey..." He said. "I'm Sean."
"Don't..." Tommy said.
"What?" Sean asked. "I'm just saying hello..."
"Yeah, well, for you that's flirting." Tommy said.
Katie gave a wince and Tommy helped her sit.
"You're safe here." Tommy said. "I'm Tommy. That's Sean...he flirts."
Katie gave a laugh as she looked at the four men. "You got Kevin there...that's Jimmy...and I'm Tommy. We're the Donnelly's"

Katie gripped the jacket tighter around her shoulders but nodded her head.
"I'm Katie." She said. "Thanks for the jacket..."

"So not what I expected." Bucky said.

Katie took a deep breath and slowly shook her head.
"Nope." Katie said. "But! Obviously, it ENDS well. They did become my brothers..."

As they turned corner to her old apartment, as James started taking the car keys out of his pocket...they both stopped dead in the tracks. Katie couldn't help but display the utter shock and horror at the scene in front of them. She could feel the tears pooling in her eyes, and freezing before they could reach her cheeks.

He could feel the temperature drop immediately even as he saw the flames engulfed in the building. Blue and red lights were flashing everywhere.

"Doll..." Bucky started.

He glanced at her and saw how PETRIFIED she looked.

She clenched her hands in fists of rage as ice and frost started forming over them.

"No..." She angrily said.
"Katie." Bucky stated, standing in front of her to try and divert her eyes to his.

He placed his flesh hand on her cheek and desperately searched her face to try and calm her down. Her eyes frantically darted to his as she tried to control the anger and fear.

"Sarah..." Katie whispered, knowing full well what John had done.

A blast of frigid cold and ice engulfed her and Glacier stood in front of Bucky.

"Well..." Glacier said, with an evil glint. "I told you not to bring her to the apartment..."

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