Chapter 2 - An Island?

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Sonic's POV

I was surrounded by darkness, I couldn't feel nor see anything, only a cold breeze followed by more darkness... Is this what I get for thinking that I would always win? Who am I kidding, of course it is. This is my punishment for thinking that I was the fastest thing alive and that I could save everyone. I only wish I could've spent more time with with everyone; they must be worried about me. 'Heh, sorry mom, looks like I won't be home for supper like I promised... Amy take care of everyone for me.'

Just as I gave up the small sliver of hope I had left, I tasted something. 'Salt? Why do I taste salt?' I suddenly felt something wet splash me, instantly pulling me out of the cold dark abyss. I opened my eyes only to be greeted by a blinding light, I quickly shield my eyes while I wait for them to adjust. A couple minutes later my eyes finally adjusted and I could see again. I lowered my arm and felt the ground beneath me; it was moist and slipped through my fingers. Looking down I realized it was sand. Confused, I slowly started to stand, the sand shifting under my soaked shoes. 'Note to self: I need to change theses shoes when I have the chance' I thought looking down at them.

I focused my attention on the scenery ahead of me. There was a transition between some grass and the sand along with a forest. My ears were ringing as something splashed against my legs yet again. I turned around and what I saw shook me to my very core, it was an endless body of water as blue as the sky above. I pried my eyes off the mass of water and looked to the left. The sand seemed to curve inwards after a while, it was the same with the other side.

'I must be on an island.' I thought, starting to walk towards the trees. "Welp, I guess there's only one place to go, that's into the woods." I sigh, while walking into the tree covered ground, the lush greenery instantly filled my vision. As I walked, I kept trying to figure out how I survived the fall. I mean from the height of which I fell the impact alone should have broke my neck. (Does Sonic even have a neck?) After a while I decided not to focus on it too much, I was alive and that's all that mattered.

Sadly, my brain had a different plan, "I wonder how long I was out for." I said to no one in particular, "What if Eggman attacked them while I was gone? What if something happened to them?! I have to get back to them before anything bad happens!" I panicked, looking around frantically as I ran around the island trying to find someway off it.

Once I realized that there was no way off, I ran back into the lush green forest only to trip on a root that was conveniently sticking out of the ground. I fell flat on my face and it surprisingly calmed me down - like slapping someone to get them to stop rambling. Groaning, I stood up and dusted myself off, "Ok Sonic, calm down. You're on an island surounded by water, you don't know how long you've been here for. Everyone's most likely fine, Amy, Sonia and Manic know how to fight and can protect the others. Right now you're main priority is getting out of this place and back to them." I said while looking around, there weren't any Flickies or any form of life on the small island, but there were a lot of trees. I also noticed that the sun had almost finished setting, filling the sky with beautiful oranges, blues, and pinks.

I yawned and walked around, looking for a good place to sleep. I ended up back at the beach, too tired to keep moving, I laid down on the beige sand. 'Man, panicking sure does take a lot of energy.' I though as I looked up at the star filled night, "I'll start thinking of a way off this damn island tomorrow." I yawned once more before nodding off.

*~ Welcome to his dream ~*

I was standing in an open field when I heard a distorted voice behind me, "So you're the so called hero of Mobius. The one they said could save everyone in the blink of an eye." I turned around and saw a black figure. It didn't have a specific shape, but it looked like some form of Mobian with pointy ears.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2022 ⏰

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